A Critique of Object Algebras[1]

Kazimierz Subieta, Jacek Leszczy³owski

Institute of Computer Science Polish Acad. Sci., Warszawa, Poland


Abstract So-called "object algebras" are meant to be straightforward extensions of the relational algebra. They are attempts to repeat its success for object-oriented models. In this paper we carry out critical analysis of this research activity. We indicate severe flaws of object algebras, subdividing them into conceptual, mathematical and pragmatic. We argue that these flaws cannot be easily removed, and for this reason we doubt the potential of object algebras, in the proposed forms, as formal and intellectual tools for the development of object-oriented databases and their query optimizers.

1. Introduction

Object algebras are proposed as tools to formalize object-oriented databases and their query languages (QLs), see [AlAr93, BMG93, CDV88, Clue89, ClDe92, ClDe94, DGG94, GZC89, HFLP89, KeMa94, LMSVVZ93, PoSm94, ShZd89a, ShZd89b, ShZd90, StOz90, SZLV93, SLVZ95, VaDe91] and many others. They are claimed to be well-suited for query optimization. In this paper we carry out a critical analysis of this research activity. There are two principal reasons motivating our work. First, we see in these "algebras" severe flaws, which cause doubts concerning their scientific and practical meaning. The second reason concerns frequent misunderstanding of a role of the stack-based approach with respect to object-oriented, integrated query/programming languages (QLs/PLs) [SBMS93,SBMS94,SKL95a,SKL95b], which is a new paradigm based on a formal operational model and an alternative to object algebras and other formal approaches. There is a popular stereotype opinion that any approach is inadequate with respect to query optimization unless it includes an associated "algebra" allowing to rewrite queries to semantically equivalent forms. We disagree with it and present counter arguments in this paper.

Object-oriented models and their QLs are much more complex than the relational ones, thus the formalization must meet difficulties. There are three sources of the problems. The first one is the same as in the case of relational systems: database users/programmers expect much more powerful QLs than "relationally complete". The second source is the complexity and variety of data structures introduced in object-oriented models, as well as various features of object-oriented databases, such as object identity, encapsulation, inheritance, overriding. The third source concerns the necessity to integrate QLs with programming features, such as macroscopic imperative statements, views, procedures, active rules, methods, ADTs, classes, modules, strong typing systems. Each of these sources of difficulties considered alone must cause serious doubts if the formalization style of object algebras is adequate. This is especially evident for people familiar with the denotational semantics of PLs. Proponents of object algebras tend to neglect this knowledge.

Doubts concerning object algebras are also (implicitly) expressed in [YuOs91], however, with liberal attitude to fundamental flaws (such as lack of formal semantics), as well as with some illusions concerning their potential (e.g. capturing updating operations or invocation of methods). We are far from illusions and see no hope for improvements. In this paper we indicate serious reasons to question any potential of all object algebras that we have found in the literature, in the proposed forms, as formal and intellectual tools for the development of object-oriented databases.

In the following we present in detail our arguments concerning conceptual (Section 2), mathematical (Section 3), and pragmatic (Section 4) flaws of object algebras. Section 5 concludes.

2. Conceptual Flaws of Object Algebras

Due to the nature of objects (having a state) the reality to be dealt with while considering object-oriented systems is much more complex than for the value-based (relational, functional) ones. Developers of object algebras simplify their task in many ways, and this is why the main conceptual problems with object algebras are caused by restrictions of their scope and universality.

Nowadays script-based languages (such as SQL) have little meaning as interactive languages. This role is much better fulfilled by form-, menu- and graph-oriented languages. On the other hand QLs absorbed many PLs' notions, in particular, imperative statements acting on database states (creating, updating, inserting, deleting), processing through cursors (essentially pointer variables), views (essentially functional procedures), various program control statements, database procedures, ADTs, library functions and procedures, etc. SQL has essentially the meaning as a high-level programming facility for professional programmers and database administrators [Ston88]. In consequence it is evolving in the direction of universal PLs (see SQL3 [ANSI94]).

Looking at object algebras as those to support such languages we argue they must lead to severe conceptual problems if one will intend to capture formally the semantics of the following language phenomena:

In [SKL95b] we present more desired features of integrated QL/PL languages, which are implemented (or - sooner or later - will be implemented) in modern languages. In view of them an unacceptable feature of object algebras is their implicit limitations to a very particular and usually over-simplified model of data structures and QL functionalities, with little care to many vital semantic aspects.

3. Mathematical Flaws of Object Algebras

The papers on object algebras are written in an informal or half-formal way. They seem to appeal to reader's mathematical knowledge and imagination, but it turns out that the reason for that is not the form of presentations but lack of precision and well-foundedness of the constructions. Thus the proposals present some informal systems, although they use a lot of mathematics. It is likely that the authors purposely extend the meaning of the term "algebra" to informal languages (perhaps, useful); this is almost explicitly suggested, for example, in [BMG93]. Such a non-standard use of this term, however, one may perceive as abuse of the authority of mathematics: the "scientific decoration" of immature ideas.

If there is no trust in the mathematical correctness or even in formality of such an "algebra" then there cannot be trust in theorems that stem from it. (Incidentally, usually there are no theorems.) The proponents of object algebras tend to neglect problems, which are against their wishes. In this section we address the problems explicitly and point out that they are not solved. Some of them could not be solved even within possibly extended framework.

3.1. Basics

Before presenting our arguments we would like to establish basic notions. (Precise definitions can be found, e.g., in [Cohn81,MaBi79]). An algebra is a pair <E,O>, consisting of a set E of elements (which are neither functions nor operators) and a set O of operators over E. Each operator o Î O is a (partial) function mapping element(s) of E into an element of E. The set of operators may be infinite, and the set E may be subdivided into subsets (sorts) in order to to express domains of the operations more precisely, extending the notion to a sorted algebra.

This simple notion of algebra is usually considered together with a language. We need a language to express elements of E and O while forming algebraic expressions. A symbol representing an element of E or O is a different entity than the element itself. For example, a symbol 2 is simply a character; the symbol's denotation is the number two, which is an abstract mathematical entity. Another case is the symbol EMP which represents a relation - an abstract mathematical being. The language of terms built from such symbols and from variables is called an object language of the algebra.

Beside these notions we have to involve yet another language, called meta-language. The meta-language is just the language of scientific papers, where we want to speak not only about a concrete algebra or a concrete object language, but about a wide class of algebras and their object languages. The meta-language is based on the informal agreement among people (developed through centuries) and intuitive understanding of some symbols and phrases of a natural language.

Parts of the meta-language are sometimes formalized, as in the case of algebraic specification languages. These are formal languages of first-order formulas built on top of the (object) language of terms. The formulas would be atomic (involving predicate symbols such as =, <, etc.), and can be compound with the use of quantifiers and/or by means of logical connectives. There are attempts of shifting the border between the object and meta-language by treating predicates as operators with an additional Boolean sort added to the algebra.

Analyzing concrete proposals of object algebras we tried to establish clearly what are elements and operators they deal with, what is an object language of this algebra, and which notions belong to its meta-language. Different proposals have different qualities in this respect, thus our remarks could not be equally relevant to all of them. In this short paper we are unable to criticize every proposal in detail. We have chosen the paper [LMSVVZ93], written by the team of authors well-known in the field, as the most representative for this research activity.

3.2. Looking for Definitions

Any algebra cannot be considered defined if the set E (possibly segmented by sorts) is undefined. Looking at [LMSVVZ93] our first question is the following: what are mathematical elements the algebra operates on? We expected they are not atomic, hence some definition of their structure is required. We met sentences that the algebra is closed under "objects" and that "everything is an object". Then there is a statement about an object's state as a "mapping from AQUA objects to mathematical values" - but still we do not know which ones. Then, there are considerations about object types, type hierarchy and mutable/immutable values, also there is the syntax of algebraic expressions and "definitions" of operators. We reached the end of the paper not being informed what are the elements the algebra deals with!

Obviously, if the set E of the algebra is undefined, it is impossible to give correct definitions of operators.

3.3. Quantifiers

In mathematics quantifiers are non-algebraic operators. A famous Polish mathematician A.Tarski dealt with algebraization of them. This was not easy even for the Master, but eventually possible. The resulting algebra is well-known as cylindrical algebra; it is quite a sophisticated mathematical notion. Authors of [LMSVVZ93] have no such problems: quantifiers are treated as algebraic operators of the defined object algebra. No comment.

3.4. Meta-language Pitfals

Consider an expression of the relational algebra R1 join1=1 R2. The expression consists of three meta-language symbols: R1, R2 represent elements of the algebra (i.e. some relations), and join1=1 represents an operator (currently, equi-join according to the first columns of argument relations). Strictly speaking, we have in this algebra infinitely many join operators, represented in the object-language as join2=1, join2=2, join2<2, join1<3, etc. Indices of the operators, such as 1=1, 1<3 are meta-language formulas used, by convention, within the object language. Symbols such as =, < do not represent operators of this algebra, but they are predicate symbols of the meta-language. This convention is informal and is justified only by the fact that these indices have a construction simple enough to avoid semantic ambiguities.

The situation is very different in proposals concerning object algebras, where operators (selection, join, etc.) are indexed by complex expressions. Indices are usually informal, but of course, one can formalize them. However, it is rather cumbersome to introduce and manipulate indices having their own complex syntax and semantics. Moreover, there are suggestions that these indices may involve operators of the same algebra. Hence semantics of the operator symbols is defined through (informal?) indices addressing denotations of the same symbols. In mathematics such a definitional knot is unacceptable.

3.5. Higher order

In [LMSVVZ93] the authors tried to avoid the pitfalls but apparently ended up with another problem. The meta-language definition of the join operator is as follows:

join(p,f)(A,B) = {f(a,b): a Î A, bÎ B, p(a,b)}

where the equality symbol is the definition symbol. The operator has actually not two arguments, as in the classical relational algebra, but four: joined elements, a formula p determining the join condition, and a function f determining how the final result of the join has to be formed.

Note that the defined join is a second-order operator, as its first two arguments are operators; the paper contains no word about this non-standard assumption. As far as the semantics is concerned, the situation is no better, because of lack of definitions concerning semantics of p, and concerning arguments and results of f. Moreover, now there is an explicit statement that p may involve operators of the same algebra (however, unclear, all or some of them). Such a solution leads (e.g. if p involves the join) not to a recursive definition, but to an erroneous definition commonly referred to as ignotum per ignotum (an attempt to define a concept through undefined concepts).

3.6. States and Query Results

Proponents of object algebras tend to neglect the fact that operators represented in algebraic expressions have to be defined not on "objects", but on functions mapping objects' states into some mathematical entities. Let us discuss the case. Consider an algebra <E,O> and (to focus our attention) let E be a set of sets of objects (possibly, segmented into sorts). In object algebras it is explicitly assumed that the meaning of an algebraic expression q is an element of E. However, an implicit assumption in the definition of many operators is different. Because the query is formulated without the knowledge what the database actually contains, its semantics should be understood as a function mapping database states into some query results, i.e., the meaning is function f:State® Result, where State and Result are sets of some mathematical entities. The problem is how to define these domains. One may assume that the domain Result is E, but such an assumption for many operators is not adequate (e.g., aggregate functions, boolean operators). For updating the domain Result has to include the domain State.

The assumption that Result is different from E violates the so-called "closure property", which requires that the arguments and results of queries have to belong to the same domain. (The closure property is advocated as a prerequisite for nested queries, but this is obviously not true; see [SKL95a].) Assuming arguments and results of queries are sets of objects, how are the identifiers of the returned object built? One approach is to restrict queries to object-preserving operators, i.e. the result of a query is a subset of its argument set of objects. This solution gives no room for composition of a query result from many objects, e.g. joins. In another approach (object generating) [ShZd89a,ShZd89b,ShZd90] the result objects obtain new unique identifiers. This is in conflict with the determinism of algebraic operators, where the same operation for the same arguments must return the same result.

The closure property makes sense for value-oriented (functional) models. Ullman [Ullm87,Ullm91], presenting arguments in favour of them, essentially concludes that for object-oriented models the closure property is a nonsense. We agree with this thesis (although in our opinion it cannot serve as an argument against object-oriented models). The consequence is the following: if for object-oriented models the closure property is nonsense, then object-oriented query algebras (calculi, logic, etc.) based on this property must be alike.

4. Pragmatic Flaws of Object Algebras

Pragmatics of a scientific proposal concerns how it could be efficiently used in practice. This issue turns out to be dramatic for almost all theoretical output and predictions in many domains of computer science, including software engineering, PLs and databases. Perhaps the reason for (short term) pragmatic inefficiency of theories is of deep philosophical nature. There is contradiction between aesthetic goals of science and pragmatic goals of industry. There is also contradiction between the complexity of mental, linguistic, physical and other structures build by system developers (on clients' demands), and the conceptual simplicity of assumptions and axioms, required by abstract, aesthetic mathematical theories.

4.1. Building a New Utopia

Implicitly or explicitly, the proponents of object algebras follow a compromised idea of mapping a practical system onto a formal one, with the same hope that this will solve practical problems. The question is whether the case is realistic. Note that before the formalization an informal but precise specification is required. This concerns such big systems of notions as the ODMG standard [Catt94] or SQL3 [ANSI94] (hundreds of pages). The experience has shown that such an informal specification from the point of view of mathematics is very incomplete. Moreover, it is common that practical languages involve options, which are outside of the abstraction level of the assumed formal framework. Also, the formalization may require correction of the language constructs, because of irregular, redundant or doubtful features. The question is: who will do this job?

In our opinion, formalization of practical languages is a task which nobody is able and wants to do. People oriented towards practice are unable to do it because they are not sufficiently familiar with mathematics and in most cases they (rightly) do not believe that this effort makes sense. Mathematicians will refuse to do it (rightly, too), because recognizing details of practical systems is far from methods they are accustomed to. Moreover, such formalization is below the level of mathematical aesthetic and elegance and is not intellectually interesting; though, these are the main driving forces of the mathematical research.

The assumption that the formalizations of QLs through object algebras will support practical implementations is so far only an [ideological forecast] of proponents of object algebras. There is no proof that they are right and there are arguments that they are wrong. The history of the computer science presents quite serious ideologies that failed because they were utopias; see, for example, the Vienna Development Method.

4.2. Really Query Optimization?

There are many features of QLs/PLs and their implementations, which can be considered for performance improvements. The database literature usually assigns the term "query optimization" to the following methods:

·        Transformations of external or internal representations of queries to such a semantically equivalent shape which promises better performance, for example, shifting selections before joins. This class of optimization methods is referred to as rewriting.

·        Avoiding redundant computations, for example, discovering common sub-queries in a group of queries, reusing results of previous queries, avoiding multiple calculation of the same sub-query which is nested in a loop.

·        Access support structures, e.g., indices; fast access/processing algorithms, e.g. hash-joins.

·        Generating an optimal plan of computing temporary results of queries. It involves various measures concerning the cost of operations. An optimal plan can be static (i.e., generated before a query is executed) or dynamic (after making a step according to a plan a new its step is re-calculated).

These methods are not separable. Usually a combination of them is implemented in a particular system. Also, the methods can be very different in centralised and distributed databases; they may also depend on a store kind, e.g. disc vs. main memory databases.

Object algebras are able to deal only with one class of optimization methods, namely, methods based on rewriting. Moreover, rewritings that are available in some languages can become no more available after the mapping of queries into object algebra expressions. Such a mapping might lose specific information or property which could be efficiently utilized in a particular QL. For example, we can expect that the rewriting method "predicate move around" [LMS94] is unattainable after such a mapping, because the method is dealing with SQL views, but algebras do not cover this concept. Another example: mapping path expressions into algebraic formulas (using joins) seems to be a nonsense, because path expressions can be easily and efficiently implemented utilizing pointer links in data structures; these links can be utilized by joins only with difficulties. The inference that the join (as shown in Section 3.5) will be efficient in implementation is obviously invented. Efficient join algorithms (sort-merge, hash-join) concern equi-joins, not joins based on a complex joining formula p. There are more such doubts.

We note that the popular opinion concerning the success of rewriting methods based on mapping queries into relational algebra expressions, and then, optimizing the expressions by rewriting, is not based on real facts. Usually, implementors apply mapping of queries into informal internal representation, e.g. syntactic trees, which are more convenient to manipulate during optimization. Optimization methods, such as performing selections and projection before joins, can be applied to such representations, with no mapping to the relational algebra. Moreover, such methods are based on simple observations and perhaps are or would be invented by talented system developers even not being aware of any formal methods.

How often object algebras might be practically used? Defenders of object algebras make implicit assumption that they need to be used only to optimize the most essential part of an entire QL. In general, such an approach is appropriate, providing this part is really the most essential and the formalization is correct. However, our experience with SQL has shown that queries that could be correctly formalized through the relational algebra are not so frequent (because of duplicates, null values, ordering, grouping, arithmetic operators, exists, etc.). The same probably will concern object-oriented QLs. Hence the corresponding algebraic methods will play a minor part, if any.

Summarizing, the assertion of proponents of object algebras concerning their potential for query optimization is wishful thinking. There is no practical or theoretical evidence that they are right, and there are strong arguments that they are wrong. Moreover, each formal description of semantics can be used to prove semantically equivalent transformations (for instance, calculus, logic, operational model, denotational model). No algebra has an advantage in this respect.

5. Conclusions

Conceptual shortcomings of object algebras concern insufficient level of universality and explicit and implicit restrictions, which neglect a lot of vital semantic aspects of real query/programming languages. Mathematical flaws consist in: lack of many definitions, inadequate mixing of the language and meta-language levels of consideration, attempts to treat as algebraic some non-algebraic operators, incorrect treatment of the concept of database state, and others. We also doubt the possibility of developing mappings of practical languages into an object algebra, e.g., because there is few or no practicians or theoreticians who would be skillful enough and/or would believe in this job. Additionally, algebras can deal only with a particular kind of query optimization (rewriting), and there are obvious cases when the mapping of a practical language into an algebra may cancel big sources of performance improvement. Summarizing, we doubt any scientific or practical value of such algebras as mathematical systems - although they could have some meaning as informal languages. The constructive conclusion is that the database domain needs new formal and intellectual paradigms. The stack-based approach is our answer to the need.


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[SBMS94] K.Subieta, C.Beeri, F.Matthes, J.W.Schmidt. A Stack-Based Approach to Query Languages. Proc. 2nd East-West Database Workshop, 1994, Springer Workshops in Computing, 1995, http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~subieta/EngPapers

[SKL95a] K.Subieta, Y.Kambayashi, J.Leszczy³owski. Procedures in Object-Oriented Query Languages. Proc. 21th Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, 1995, pp.182-193, http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~subieta/EngPapers

[SKL95b] K.Subieta, Y.Kambayashi, J.Leszczy³owski. Towards an Integrated Query/Programming Languages for Object Bases: a Broad Outlook. http://www.ipipan.waw.pl/~subieta/EngPapers

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[YuOs91] L.Yu, S.L.Osborn. An Evaluation Framework for Algebraic Object-Oriented Query Models. Proc. 7th Conf. on Data Engineering, 1991, pp.670-677


[1] The paper was written in 1995 but unpublished. It was considered by some journals as offensive for many database authorities, i.e. excellent and ideal researchers, which should never be criticized.