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Last Updated: Monday, 1 December, 2003, 16:04 GMT
Coca Cola to sponsor pop charts
Will Young
Will Young is currently at number one with Leave Right Now
Coca Cola has signed a multi-million pound deal to sponsor the music charts featured on BBC Radio 1 and TV show Top Of The Pops.

The drinks giant has agreed a two-year contract with the Official UK Charts Company to sponsor the singles and albums rundowns.

The BBC, which is publicly funded, will mention the sponsor as part of its own deal with the chart company.

But a BBC spokesman said any references would stay within producer guidelines.

"It's not setting a precedent," said a spokesman. "We will reflect it in the same way as we do Renault sponsoring Prom In The Park."

The deal comes into force in the New Year and will cover a forthcoming download chart.

Rival cola firm Pepsi recently ended its sponsorship of the Commercial Network Chart, now known as Hit 40 UK.

The last company to sponsor the official chart, Worldpop, ended its deal two years ago.

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