University Rankings

QS World University Rankings 2014

Discover the world’s top universities with the QS World University Rankings® – the most widely read university comparison of their kind. As well as exploring the world's top 800 universities overall, you can also compare the ranking of universities in a specific region, by subject area, or based on factors such as reputation or research citations.

View the QS World University Rankings®

QS Rankings: By Faculty

Launched with a new set of indicators, the QS World University Rankings by Faculty highlights performance in five broad faculty areas. 

  • World’s top 400 universities in Arts & Humanities, Engineering & Technology, Life Sciences & Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences & Management

QS Rankings: By Faculty

QS Rankings: Latin America™

Discover the best universities in Latin America with QS’s dedicated ranking, launched to reflect the fast pace of development in this region. 

  • Latin America's top 250 universities
  • Based on seven key indicators
  • Reflecting regional strengths
  • Read expert commentary

QS Rankings: Latin America

QS Rankings: Asia™

The QS University Rankings: Asia shines a spotlight on the higher-performing institutions in this fast-changing region.

  • Asia's top 300 universities
  • Based on nine key indicators
  • Compare universities' performance
  • Read expert commentary

QS University Rankings: Asia

QS Top 50 Under 50

The QS Top 50 Under 50 highlights the world’s top 50 universities established within the last 50 years, based on the most recent edition of the QS World University Rankings®

  • Discover the world’s top 50 universities under 50 years old
  • Sort the table by region/country and by university age
  • Compare the world’s top performing young universities


QS Subject Rankings

The QS World University Rankings by Subject identifies the world’s strongest universities in 30 different subject areas.

QS Subject Rankings

QS Rankings: BRICS

Discover the strongest universities in the emerging markets of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa with the QS World University Rankings: BRICS.

  • BRICS Top 200 universities
  • Based on eight key indicators
  • Compare universities' performance


QS Best Student Cities

Want to study in one of the world's best cities for students? Take your pick from these top 50, spread across the globe.

QS Best Student Cities