Press centre

The Society’s Press Centre promotes evidence-based psychological research to the media and wider audiences.

Psychologists can offer a unique angle on subjects such as children and family, entertainment, health, education, politics, crime, the environment, work, sport and fitness, personal development and technology.

If you’re a member of the Society find out about our media services for members including how to join our database of media-friendly experts.

We also offer ethical advice to journalists and other media professionals through the Society's Media Ethics Group. In particular, we often work with television production companies that are looking to include members of the public in their programmes.

If you think you could benefit form advice from the Media Ethics Group, please email us.

You may also find it useful to read our information on ethics and the media. Although written for our members, this page covers the principles - respecting the dignity and autonomy of contributors and others, supporting high standards of integrity, being socially responsible - that the media should respect.

Useful links
