Society office staff vacancies

This page contains information about vacancies in the Society's administrative offices. For information about jobs specifically for psychologists, see our Psychologist Appointments website.

The British Psychological Society is the learned Society and professional body for psychologists in the UK. The Society aims to encourage the development of psychology, improve standards of training and practice, raise public awareness and increase the influence of psychological practice in society. With a membership of over 49,000 and over 90 staff in Leicester, new opportuntiies are continually being created within our teams.

Current vacancies

Currently we have no vacancies.


Useful information

The following information and documents give background to the Society, the types of role and the terms and conditions we offer to all posts:

The Society operates generous holiday, pension and sickness policies and flexible working arrangements. For all posts, exposure to the current Higher Education or charities sectors would be an advantage.
