Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • Pop star Jason Derulo, known for "Talk Dirty" and "Wiggle," is also known for his rock hard abs. During an interview with "Nightline," the breakout star offered a glimpse into how he keeps his stellar physique. Working with a trainer, Derulo headed to Runyon Canyon in Los Angeles, where he started out carrying 125 pounds of weights uphill. "Good little warm up," he said.
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • At 7 a.m., Derulo climbed uphill doing lunges with a 125-pound barbell on his back. "You put a mountain in the equation, it's just a different level," he said. "It's crazy because you get a little workout in and you get up here and it's like you accomplished something."
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • "People probably think I'm fit from my shows but it's not that at all," Derulo said. "I probably work out twice besides the show every single day."
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • Because of his intense exercise regimen, Derulo also maintains a hefty diet. "I intake so many calories a day because my body is used to eating all day, so I'll intake anywhere from 3,100- 3,300 calories a day," he said.
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • Raised in Miami, Derulo is the son of Haitian immigrants, and is classically trained in opera, ballet and tap. He made a name for himself writing song for other artists before breaking out on his own. He now has three number one hits, with more than 20 million singles sold in the U.S. alone, and he is gearing up for his first American tour. By the way, he's only 24 years old.
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • Derulo has developed a reputation for having an insane work ethic both inside and outside of the studio, and he says he manages to work out about three hours a day even when he is on tour. He has been known to do 500 pushups after performing.
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • And if lifting weights, boxing and jumping rope wasn't impressive enough, Derulo was doing all of this just two weeks after breaking a rib while playing basketball. "My body actually, after breaking my rib, I got a little pudge happening," he said. "I'm trying to get this thing back together. Quick!"
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • Derulo also often heads to the gym to work out. When it comes to his exercise regimen, Derulo said he likes to switch things up. "Your body gets used to a routine, and you stop making progress, so the important thing for me is to keep fooling my body," he said.
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
  • "I really feel like I'm in the prime of my life," Derulo said. "A lot of people don't notice when the prime of their life is and they miss out on it."
    Alyssa Litoff/ABC
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