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The Probert Encyclopaedia of Computer Viruses


The Agena Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program. The virus corrupts program or overlay files and data files.
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Agent 31 is a network backdoor Trojan that communicates through port 31.
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AGENT 40421

Agent 40421 is a network backdoor Trojan that communicates through port 40421.
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The AGI-Plan Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files.
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The Ah Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND. COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files.
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The AI Virus is a computer virus which infects .EXE files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program or overlay files.
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The AIDS II Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program or overlay files.
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The AIDS Trojan Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program or overlay files.
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The AIDS Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files.
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The AirCop Virus is a computer virus which infects the diskette boot sector. The virus is loaded into memory by booting from an infected disk and then affects the computer's runtime operation by displaying ''This is Aircop'' in blinking white EVERY time the disk is accessed during the month of September.
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Ajan is a network backdoor Trojan for Windows that communicates through port 25 and emails home any passwords it detects on the infected computer.
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The Ajax Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation.
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The Akuku Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM and .EXE files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files.
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The Alabama Virus is a computer virus which infects .EXE files. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files. One hour after activation, the virus displays this message in a flashing box: SOFTWARE COPIES PROHIBITED BY INTERNATIONAL LAW Box 1055 Tuscambia ALABAMA USA. The virus manipulates the file allocation table and swaps file names so that files are slowly lost. The virus will infect .EXE files, increasing their size by 1,560 bytes. It moves into memory when any EXE containing the virus is executed. Unlike most other memory-resident viruses, the Alabama does not use the normal TSR function, but rather hooks interrupt 9 as well as IN and OUT commands. Upon detecting a Control-Alt-Delete, the virus generates what appears to be a warm boot, but remains in memory. The virus loads to the top 30K of memory, unlike other memory-resident programs, and does not reduce the available memory reported by DOS. The Alabama virus uses
a complex procedure during infection. It will first infect an EXE in the current directory, providing there is one which is uninfected. If all EXEs in the current directory are infected, then the Alabama virus will infect the program being executed - provided the system date is not Friday. On Fridays, the Alabama virus will swap entries in the FAT so that when the user attempts to execute an uninfected file, an infected file executes instead. Over time, files will be lost through this process.
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The Alameda B Virus (also called the Sacramento Virus) is a slight variation of the Yale Virus.
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The Albanian Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program. The virus corrupts program or overlay files and data files.
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The Alchemy Virus is an encrypted computer virus written by Abraxas using the PS-MPC virus generator. It infects .COM and .EXE files and upon activation appears to drop a copy of the Pakistani Brain virus onto the diskette boot sector. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program files.
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The Alfa Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM, .EXE and overlay files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation, corrupts program or overlay files.
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The Alpha 743 Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program or overlay files.
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The Ambulance Car Virus is a computer virus which infects .COM files including COMMAND.COM. The virus is loaded into memory by executing an infected program and then affects the computer's runtime operation and corrupts program or overlay files. Randomly, the virus will activate and run an Ambulance across the bottom of the screen after a round of infection.
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Ambush is a network backdoor Trojan that communicates through port 10666.
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