FAQ: Watching videos on guardian.co.uk

The video will not load. What can I do?

Do you have ad-blocking software installed on your computer? If you do, it may prevent the video from loading. So please disable the ad-blocking software and try again.

If ad-blocking software is not installed, do you have Adobe Flash installed on your computer? Flash is required for the video to load. You can install the latest version of Flash by going to: http://adobe.com/flashplayer

I see an ad before the video. Is it possible to skip the ad?

No, it's not possible to skip the ad.

I see a message that 'copyright has expired'. Can you provide me with a copy of the video?

No. The Guardian is not the copyright holder and no longer has access to the video.

How can I stop the video automatically starting to play on a video page?

You can turn off autoplay by opening the Video player settings below the player, and click on the Off link. If you turn autoplay off, a cookie is
set, which will start working on the next video page visited. You can also turn autoplay back on by clicking the On link.

Can I watch a video in full screen?

Yes, just click on this icon (next to the volume control):

Is it possible to embed your video on my website?

No, it is currently not possible to embed the video, but you can link to it. And a selection of our videos are available for embedding on our YouTube channel:

I would like to obtain permission to use your video. Who do I contact?

Please contact the Syndication department's Digital Services team: http://syndication.guardian.co.uk/contact-us.aspx

• If you have more questions please contact:

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