Welcome to NCBI

The National Center for Biotechnology Information advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information.

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  • Tools: Analyze data using NCBI software
  • Downloads: Get NCBI data or software
  • How-To's: Learn how to accomplish specific tasks at NCBI
  • Submissions: Submit data to GenBank or other NCBI databases

NCBI Announcements

  • "BLAST in the Cloud!" webinar on July 30th showcases NCBI-BLAST Amazon Machine Image

    Jul 1, 2014

    As stated on June 26, web and standalone BLAST are now available on Amazon Web Services (AWS). On July 30, 2014, NCBI will offer a webinar entitled “BLAST in the Cloud”. This presentation will show you how to log on to AWS and deploy the NCBI-BLAST Amazon Machine Image (AMI) quickly. The BLAST AMI includes the BLAST+ applications, a client that can download databases from the NCBI, a web application that implements a subset of the NCBI URL API, and a simplified BLAST search webpage. Prior knowledge of using web and standalone BLAST is required.

  • BLAST machine image (AMI) hosted at Amazon Web Services

    Jun 26, 2014

    The NCBI now has a BLAST installation at Amazon Web Services, as part of an effort to deliver services to users with new cloud technologies. The installation can be accessed as an Amazon Machine Image (AMI), which allows users to run stand-alone searches with the BLAST+ applications, submit searches through a subset of the NCBI-BLAST URL API, and perform searches with a simplified web page. The AMI also includes a FUSE client that can download BLAST databases during the first search.

  • Green monkey annotation release 100 now available

    Jun 23, 2014

    The green monkey (Chlorocebus sabaeus) annotation is now accessible in the Nucleotide, Protein sequence and Gene databases, searchable using BLAST, and downloadable from the FTP site.

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