Behind the Headlines

Your guide to the science that makes the news

Possible pesticide link to autistic disorders

Monday Jun 23 2014

Pesticides linked to autistic disorders

"Pregnant women who live near fields sprayed with pesticides can run more than three times the risk of having a child with autism," the Mail Online reports. New research raises concerns that exposure to pesticides may impact on a pregnancy…

Stress 'causes damage to the heart,' study finds

Monday Jun 23 2014

Stress 'can damage heart'

"Stress is already known to be bad for the heart, but now scientists have discovered why it is so harmful," The Times reports. A new US study now offers a plausible model of how chronic psychological stress could lead to…

Sun tanning 'addictive' suggests study

Friday Jun 20 2014

Sun tanning 'addictive' suggests study

"Sunbathing 'may be addictive' warning," BBC News reports. Studies in mice suggest that exposure to ultraviolet radiation may trigger the release of endorphins leading to an opiate-like "high" and mice may even then experience UV withdrawal symptoms …

Antidepressant suicide warnings 'backfired'

Thursday Jun 19 2014

Antidepressant suicide warnings 'backfired'

"Antidepressant suicide warnings 'may have backfired','' BBC News reports. Media reports about an alleged risk of suicide in the young taking antidepressants appears to have led to a drop in antidepressant use and a corresponding rise in suicide attempts…

'Super-mums' at risk of depression

Thursday Jun 12 2014

'Super-mums' at risk of depression

"'Super-mums' … may be more likely to suffer from depression, researchers say," the Mail Online reports. A US study found a possible association between concern about being perceived as a perfect parent and maternal depression risk…

Cannabis can damage lives, researchers argue

Monday Jun 9 2014

Cannabis can damage lives, researchers argue

“Smoking marijuana as a teenager lowers IQ for life, scientists warn,” the Mail Online reports. The headline is prompted by a critical review looking at the evidence about the potential harms associated with cannabis use…

Sleep 'promotes memory-related brain changes'

Friday Jun 6 2014

Sleep 'promotes memory-related brain changes'

"The mechanism by which a good night's sleep improves learning and memory has been discovered by scientists," is the somewhat overeager reporting on the BBC News website. While the study had intriguing results, it only involved mice…

'Male hormones' in womb linked to autism

Wednesday Jun 4 2014

'Male hormones' in womb linked to autism

"Boys who develop autism may be exposed to higher levels of hormones…in the womb," The Daily Telegraph reports. Researchers found a link between elevated hormones in amniotic fluid and autism…

Could an MS drug 'erase' traumatic memories?

Tuesday May 27 2014

MS drug 'may help erase traumatic memory'

"A drug could be re-purposed to erase painful memories from people who have suffered trauma and pain," The Independent reports. The news comes from a study involving mice that measured their response to a series of electric shocks…

Premature ejaculation 'doesn't just upset men'

Thursday May 22 2014

Premature ejaculation doesn't just upset men

"Women suffer during premature ejaculation too," the Mail Online reports after a new study has assessed the psychological impact of premature ejaculation on women and how this may influence their perception of their relationship…

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What is Behind the Headlines?

We give you the facts without the fiction. Professor Sir Muir Gray, founder of Behind the Headlines, explains more...

Superfoods: the evidence

We examine the evidence behind the health claims of the most popular superfoods

Clinical trials and medical research

Clinical trials explained, including how to take part in one and why medical research is important

Atlas of risk

NHS Atlas of Risk

Compare cause of death and health risks based on age, sex and where you live

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