
Part 5 of 9 in the series Fight Club

Fight Club was one of the most controversial and talked-about films of the 1990s. Some critics expressed concern that the film would incite copycat behavior, such as that seen after A Clockwork Orange debuted in Britain nearly three decades previously. Following Fight Club’s release, several fight clubs were reported to have started in the United States. — Wikipedia

Boy: Dad, I'm considering a career in Organized Crime. Dad: Government or private sector?

R.B. Ross wrote in 2005:

Predatory Gangstalking is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of loosely affiliated people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade all areas of an individual’s life on a continuing basis, as part of their lifestyle. While each individual gangstalker does his or her small part, what defines Predatory Gangstalking is the collective intent to do harm.1

The 1999 movie “Fight Club” depicts a Secret Society targeting individuals and businesses. The website presented an overview of David Lawson’s book, Terrorist [Vigilante] Stalking in America:

Gang stalking involves the use of multiple individuals to stalk, harass and taunt a victim, as well as to vandalize personal property. This can take place for many years, particularly since law enforcement and legislation have yet to catch up with the reality of organized stalking by groups.2

“Targetted Individuals” (or TIs) are typically atypical citizens. In addition to whistleblowers, multistalking victims include political activists, protesters, feminists, gays, lesbians, people with tolerant attitudes, people who are a little odd or eccentric, and anyone who questions authority, signs a petition, or sends letters to the editor of a newspaper.

To commemorate National Stalking Awareness Month in January 2010, the USDOJ presented a web forum on stalking in the workplace. Workplace mobbing is a growing problem in all sectors of business for a wide variety of reasons.

There has also been an apparent increase in industrial espionage. Gang stalking perpetrators or “perps” are quite effective at making people crazy, and causing a business leader to suffer a nervous breakdown could spell disaster for a company.

Another form of this Mind Control relates to cause stalkers who believe the TIs are degenerates needing to be driven out of the community. Beginning long ago with the racist Ku Klux Klan (KKK) targetting civic minded people, cause stalking in modern times has been reported by abortion providers, for example.

Gang stalking perps will also resort to a technique aptly named “street theater,” a ploy which the website describes:

“Street theater” is activity performed by persons complicit in the electronic weapons harassment, but are “skits”, as opposed to direct bodily attacks performed with the electronic harassment equipment.… They are performed in such a way that the target, and ONLY the target, knows they are being harassed, but cannot convey to others that this is indeed harassment. Feelings of total hoplessness [sic] is one apparent purpose of these “skits”.… Another apparent purpose of such “skits” is to discredit and isolate the target so that others will regard him or her as a “crank” and a “nut case” whent the target complains.3

Related links

1 R.B. Ross, 2005, Quoted at (retrieved: 27 May 2012).

2 Terrorist [Vigilante] Stalking in America – Overview,, at (retrieved: 9 June 2008).

3 “About ‘Street Theater’,”, at (retrieved: 25 March 2011).

See also

Shaunacy Ferro, “How Do You Depress A Rat? Harass It With A Robot,” 12 February 2013, at (retrieved: 12 February 2013).

Shelly K., “5 Signs of Abuse By Proxy Indirectly Caused By Him,” Yahoo Voices, 20 November 2010, at (retrieved: 20 April 2013).

Related videos

“Gang stalker convicted and jailed,” Metellus10011 video at, (retrieved: 7 November 2012). (Watch it here)

“Gaslighting What Is Gaslighting? And How It Is Used In Organized Stalking,” OSI Organized Stalking Informers video at, (retrieved: 31 March 2013). (Watch it here)

“Gang Stalking and Electronic Harassment on national TV,” TheSkewsMe video at, (retrieved: 8 November 2012). (Watch it here)

“Gang Stalking “Bullying On Steroids” Fox News Segment On Gang Stalking,” osinformers video at, (retrieved: 8 November 2012). (Watch it here)

“THEY LIVE! grocery store.” JoeChrist34 video at, (retrieved: 19 November 2012). (Watch it here)

“Outer Limits: Straight And Narrow,” video at, (retrieved: 10 November 2012). (Watch it here)

“Gopher Broke,” 15 November 1958, jgbennie video at, (retrieved: 9 November 2012). (Watch it here)

Related documents

Related books and films

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One comment

  • Dorothy Wright
    September 5, 2012 - 5:41 pm | Permalink

    This is adult bullying at its ugliest and has caused adults to commit suicide. It does not end with the gangstalking as there is, along with gang stalking in public, an insidious crime of spreading untrue gossip that entails causing businesses and doctors to spurn the person that is being used as a target. Try and picture your phone tapped by neighbors and you want a doctor’s appointment. Your doctor and the nurses are warned before you get there of some slur against you that they believe to be true. How will you be treated?
    It eventually turns ugly and hateful toward the person and their lives may be jeapardized by those who look for just this type of entertainment. Look at the signs in stores now that proclaim they do not tolerate bullying. That means adult bullies also. They come in dresses, pants, shirts or no shirts, and in uniform. Some, as this article tells, are fully organized and use electronic means to carry out their schemes to hurt and hate. Teach the children not to bully but also teach the gangs for that is what they are. They should be prosecuted under the RICO Act.

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