RubyForge will be shutting down on May 23 2014.

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RubyForge Statistics
Hosted Projects: 9,603
Registered Users: 104,196
Recently Registered Projects
(12/24) ZIR Enterprise
(12/03) Exchange
(12/03) qruby
(11/18) vagrant-azure
(10/29) ruby-screenshots-client
(10/26) whitedb
(10/18) yahns
(10/16) tigefa
(10/14) Oxcelix
(10/11) SimpleRRD
(09/30) school
(09/30) audit_rails
(09/29) feature_flags
(09/26) testtesttest111
(09/19) aviator
Most Active This Week
( 100.0% ) Ruby Installer for Windows
( 99.5% ) Instant Rails
( 99.0% ) TZInfo
( 98.5% ) RubyGems
( 98.0% ) Mongrel
( 97.5% ) Redmine
( 97.0% ) codeforpeople
( 96.4% ) Haml
( 95.9% ) Seattle.rb Projects
( 95.4% ) JRuby Extras
Top Project Downloads
(11,001,102) Ruby Installer for Windows
(3,901,039) RubyGems
(1,506,046) Rails
(1,223,287) Redmine
(1,159,826) Instant Rails
(785,361) Rubot
(771,662) Rails Installer
(493,192) FLVTool2
(378,368) RMagick
(275,678) Ruby Enterprise Edition
(264,010) Net::SSH
(242,082) Rake
(235,188) PHPRPC for Ruby
(217,586) codeforpeople
(199,322) SQLite-Ruby
(189,439) Active Support
(182,572) ActiveRecord
(180,986) Seattle.rb Projects
(171,312) Ruby/DBI
(163,682) Win32 Utils

Got suggestions? Post them to the the support forum, thanks!