#Syria 검색 결과

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  1. 사진 · 모두 보기
  2. 's President Assad turned over a cache of chemical weapons, but does he still have a secret stash? joins at 10pET

  3. doesnt only have a great leader, it also has by far the most intelligent,&beautifull first lady in the world

  4. There are no "rebels" in , there are Islamist hordes fed on petrodollar, captagon and Wahhabi ideology.

  5. 149 people have been killed today by regime forces - 13 women, 19 children, and 5 martyrs under torture

  6. Tomorrow when falls, remember your part in its surrender. 26 long months under siege, begging for help, while you watched.

  7. The aftermath of rebels' shelling Al-Vilat. once a peaceful residential area in , earlier today.

  8. If the war in goes on for a little longer, im pretty sure there will be more Chechens in Syria than Chechnya itself.

  9. Many similarities b/ween nazis in & wahabis in , euro-maidan thugs on Twitter proved tonight that racism is 1 of them

  10. "You never create red lines unless you know what you'll do to enforce them." Jessica Mathews of on , tonight on .

  11. FBI Director: Number of Americans traveling to fight in Syria increasing - Washington Post

  12. We all want to see the joy of a free Syria without all the pain & suffering forever! Get rid of assad & regime

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