


17 & American. Hate both the republican and democrat party. Royalist & Unionist.

Bermuda, British Territory, UK


  1. Retweetet von

    Syrian "rebels" receive aid from Israel. They're worse than the Zionists because they're traitors to their own people. Tfoo

  2. According to Wikipedia the terrorists control the Khan Abu Shamat CW Factory......dafuq

  3. Retweetet von
  4. maybe to make sure that NATO imperialist don't take over one of the last free nations?

  5. Retweetet von

    The double suicide car bombs in 2 days ago shows a level of despare & rage among Wahhabi and loss of faith in their ideology.

  6. Retweetet von

    A person that I don't mind seeing on Liveleak but in different shape.

  7. Retweetet von

    Islamist defeat in is like a crack that will spread in the glass pane of wahhabi ideology. Where is their Allah now?

  8. Retweetet von

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