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Recognizing the value of consistent reflection upon the Word of God in order to refocus one’s mind and heart upon Christ and His Gospel of peace, we provide several reading plans designed to cover the entire Bible in a year.

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About :: Version 3 Q&A

Version 3 Q&A


Q: What is the new (Version 3) BLB website?

A: The Blue Letter Bible has existed across several versions since its launch in 1996. Version 3, or "v3", represents the third major revision to the site.

Most of our users won't remember the initial version of the site (v1). v1 was an all-grey site with thick cell-padding on its tables and only two buttons attached to each verse, a pink and a yellow scroll, allowing users to access lexicon information and a small selection of commentaries. The only Bible translation available was the KJV.

v2 was launched in 1999 and was pretty similar to what you'd find on the BLB site today. We implemented the left-side menu for navigation and introduced the lettered buttons next to each verse. About nine years later, we rolled out a significant back end change, shifting the entire programming langauage of the site. At the same time, we added the right-side menu and tools like the lexiconc. While significant, these changes didn't substantially alter the way the site worked, so we began calling this era v2.5. There have been minor cosmetic changes over the past decade, but nothing to merit a whole new version name. Until now.

Blue Letter Bible v3 represents a comprehensive ground-up redesign of the major ideas that we think make the BLB a valuable tool. Significant prayer and planning went into making it as easy as possible for users to navigate the site and to find the tools you enjoy most. v3 is, we hope, a much more usable website—and one that new users will have an easier time learning.

Q: Why did you make so many changes to the site?

A: Our intention is neither to disorient nor to simply change the site for the sake of change. We truly and honestly believe that the changes we've made have made the site better and more broadly accessible. We need to be atuned to technological changes, such as the increased use of tablets and smartphones, and therefore provide a website that better serves your needs. We will continue to make improvements, and believe that the new website offers a solid foundation moving forward.

If you're feeling disoriented, we recommend you go through some of our short video tutorials to quickly get up to speed on how to use the site.

And if you continue to feel frustrated, we will still provide the BLB in its current form at BLB Classic.

Q: Will it be hard to adapt to Version 3 from the old BLB site?

A: We don't believe so. In fact, you may discover tools that you hadn't previously known about. Part of our goal with v3 was to take a lot of the complexity of the BLB and forge it into an easily accessible set of tools.

Q: Will Version 3 have the same resources?

A: Yes! the new version contains all of the study resources that you enjoy most. We’ve restructured the new site to make finding resources even easier than before.

Q: What is the benefit of creating a log in account?

A: Your personal log in account will allow you to save your study preferences such as font type and size, preferred Bible version, and copy/paste options. You can also easily manage email devotional and newsletter subscriptions. We plan to add more personalized features in the future.

Q: Is my BLB website log in account the same as my donor account?

A: No! Your BLB website account is meant to save your Bible study and email preferences. We want to keep your financial information separate from your Bible study preferences by utilizing a safe and secure 3rd party donation system.

Q: Will I be able to continue using the old BLB site?

A: Yes! The old site has been renamed “BLB Classic” and will remain available and updated. Simply click BLB Classic Button located on the top left corner of each page to return to BLB Classic.

Psalm 138:2


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©2014 Sowing Circle



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