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Time and Dimension Travel

What you need to know about time travel and other dimensions, including true stories of time slips, theories, inventions and related fringe science.
  1. Anti-Gravity
  2. Free Energy
  3. Remote Viewing

Dream of Time and Space
A bizarre trip to other dimensions of reality

Bizarre Slips in Time
Although no one really understands it, we take time for granted... until something happens that challenges everything we know about reality. Consider these true stories.

Incident on the Road to Sydney
There are incidents that are just so strange, so far removed from everyday experience that they can cause us to question our sanity and work its way into the pit of our deepest fears. Michael experienced such an incident while traveling the interstate from the Australian Capital Territory to New South Wales in Australia. This is Michael's story.

Home... In Another Dimension
A girl returns to her parents' house after work and find that somehow things are disturbingly wrong.

Forest Mystery
Forest Mystery - Your True Tales - June 2013

The Night of Unseen Entities
Personal encounters with UFOs and possible abductions are among the most puzzling and frightening experiences in paranormal records. In the case of Paul Schroeder, his encounter was followed by poltergeist activity, telepathy and other unexplained events. This is Paul's story.

Observers from Another Dimension
Three campers encounter a mysterious orb with two occupants

Time and Dimension Travel, Missing Time - True Stories - 1
True experiences with anomalies of time and space, including time travel, other dimensions and missing time.

Time Storms in The Matrix
Incredible but true accounts of rips, warps and rifts in the matrix of time and reality, revealing that time travel really is possible - whether we like it or not!

Time Traveler Caught in Chaplin Film?
In a film made in 1920, an old woman appears on screen who looks like she's talking on a cell phone. What's the explanation?

Review: Time Traveler in Charlie Chaplin Film?
In some behind-the-scenes footage for the Charlie Chaplin "The Circus" there is a woman who appears to be talking on a cell phone; is she a time traveler?

Shadow Man, Shooting Stars and Missing Time
In South Australia, Chris R. experiences a perplexing mixture of strange phenomena, which begins with an encounter with a shadow man.

Time Travelers
True stories of people who believe they have experienced slips in time, to the past and future.

Teleportation rescue in China
In this video, a time traveler or alien appears to rescue a man on a three-wheel vehicle from a speeding truck through teleportation.

The Time Traveller
Håkan Nordkvist claims to have met his future self.

Traveling Madly Through Time
Science says time travel is theoretically possible. And some people say they've already done it, or invented machines that make it a reality.

When Time Goes Crazy
Every once in awhile, time seems to go haywire, gets fouled up in a glitch, moves impossibly fast or impossibly slow. Is it time itself that gets screwed up? Or is it just our perception of it?

Was I remote viewing? Experiencing a time slip?
A reader has a strange experience while cleaning. What was it?

More Mad Science
Scientists who work on the border of reality.

Aeronauts from the Future
Over the years, there have been strange reports that are suggestive of either glimpses into the future through some sort of "time window" or sightings of actual time-travellers visiting us from our own future.

A Course in Time Travel
A 28-lesson course on how to become a time traveler, including meditation and progressive techniques. With diagrams. (Now they are charging for it.)

Dimensions Beyond Our Own
This account of a possible visit to another dimension in time or space was written by Dr. Raul Rios Centeno, an investigator of the unexplained in Lima, Peru.

Instructions for Meeting Time Travelers
An online booklet that provides any time visitors you happen to meet with a legal document to determine when and where they came from.

Is Time Travel Possible?
Modern culture is constantly inundated with tales of time travel. But is it possible to travel through time? Answers from theoretical physicist and cosmologist Paul Davies.

John Titor Times
Website about John Titor, the guy who claims to be a time traveler who returned from the year 2036 to talk to the Coast-to-Coast radio show and give us warnings about our times.

Montauk Project: Time Travel Machine
More on the legendary Montauk Project, the Philadelphia Experiment and the government's supposed tinkering with invisibility and time travel.

Nova: Time Travel
PBS's "Nova" takes a whack at time travel from a scientific point of view, including insight from Carl Sagan, info from an IBM researcher who thinks time travel is possible, and the concepts of a time machine.

Time Travel and Modern Physics
Time travel has been a staple of science fiction. With the advent of general relativity it has been entertained by serious physicists. But, especially in the philosophy literature, there have been arguments that time travel is inherently paradoxical.

Time Travel Reality Shift
Westerners often assume that time proceeds in a linear, regular fashion. Perhaps that isn't so, this article suggests.

Missing Time at Bedtime
Your True Tales of Missing Time at Bedtime - April 2011

Glimpse of Future Events
Your True Tales of Glimpse of Future Events - April 2011

Unfortunate Portal
Your True Tales of Unfortunate Portal - June 2011

Sonic Matrix Glitch
Sonic Matrix Glitch - Your True Tales - July 2011

The Delayed Message
The Delayed Message - Your True Tales - July 2011

Time Slip to the 1930s
Time Slip to the 1930s - Your True Tales - July 2011

Time Slip in Manitoba
Time Slip in Manitoba - Your True Tales - September 2011

Time Slip in Georgia
Time Slip in Georgia - Your True Tales - October 2011

Missing Time While Cycling
Missing Time While Cycling - Your True Tales - December 2011

Time Traveler
From Strange Magazine, a supposedly true tale of time slippage - somehow slipping back to 1940.

Strange Incident at Coburg Castle
Strange Incident at Coburg Castle - Your True Tales - January 2012

Time Slip in the Pyrenees
Time Slip in the Pyrenees - Your True Tales - February 2012

Window to Another Dimension
Window to Another Dimension - Your True Tales - February 2012

Haunted by Leapfrogging Cars
Haunted by Leapfrogging Cars - Your True Tales - March 2012

Hospital Space-Time Confusion
Hospital Space-Time Confusion - Your True Tales - March 2012

Office Survey Time Slip
Office Survey Time Slip - Your True Tales - August 2012

Time Slip at Bryn Bras
Time Slip at Bryn Bras - Your True Tales - August 2012

MUFON Time Slip, Or Just New Jersey?
MUFON Time Slip, Or Just New Jersey? -- Your True Tales -- August 2012

The Day the Creek Disappeared
The Day the Creek Disappeared - Your True Tales - August 2012

Phantom Circus Tent
Phantom Circus Tent - Your True Tales - September 2012

The Phantom Field
The Phantom Field - Your True Tales - October 2012

Portal of Light
Portal of Light - Your True Tales - October 2012

Time Rewind in the Attic
Time Rewind in the Attic - Your True Tales - October 2012

Dimensional Shift on the Hutchinson
Dimensional Shift on the Hutchinson - Your True Tales - December 2012

Mystery in Shoshone National Forest
Mystery in Shoshone National Forest - Your True Tales - January 2013

Weird Time Slip at Stockton
Weird Time Slip at Stockton - Your True Tales - January 2013

Driveway Dimension Shift
Driveway Dimension Shift - Your True Tales - February 2013

Elevator Ride to the Future
Elevator Ride to the Future - Your True Tales - February 2013

Sulfur and the House That Wasn't There
Sulfur and the House That Wasn't There - Your True Tales - February 2013

Mysterious Vanishing Cemetery
Mysterious Vanishing Cemetery - Your True Tales - March 2013

Time Travelers from Our Future
Dr. Bruce Goldberg says four types of "chrononauts" are visiting us: the grays, the hybrids, the pure humans and the Reptilians.

The Wonders of Time Travel
Time travel is similar to astral travel, this site says, yet different. You don't need an elaborate machine, but you can make one in your mind to go into the past, present or future and come back when you are ready.

Timewarp Detour from Warwick Castle
Timewarp Detour from Warwick Castle - October 2010

Church Apparition
Your True Tales of Church Apparition - February 2011

The Disappearing Road
Your True Tales of The Disappearing Road - February 2011

Super Exhaustion or Missing Time?
Your True Tales of Super Exhaustion or Missing Time? - April 2011

Road Trip Time Trip
Your True Tales of Road Trip Time Trip - April 2011

Road Vortex
Road Vortex - December 2010

A Thriftstore on the Edge of Forever
A Thriftstore on the Edge of Forever - December 2010

Time and Dimension Travel, Missing Time - True Stories
True stories of experiences with anomalies of time and space, including time travel, other dimensions and missing time.

Time Anomaly in the Wigan Wood
Time Anomaly in the Wigan Wood - Your True Tales - September 2013

Car Wreck in Time
Your True Tales of Car Wreck in Time - October 2013

Farmhouse Out of Time
Your True Tales of Farmhouse Out of Time - October 2013

Missing Time in Hocking Hills
Your True Tales of Missing Time in Hocking Hills - October 2013

Time travel: When and where would you go?
Readers are asked: If you could travel into the past, where and when would you most like to go? And would you want to change anything?

Time Froze to Avoid Injury
Your True Tales of Time Froze to Avoid Injury - December 2013

Interdimensional Box
Your True Tales of Interdimensional Box - January 2014

Gained Impossible Time on I-95
Your True Tales of Gained Impossible Time on I-95 - January 2014

Fiery Accident That Never Happened
Fiery Accident That Never Happened: A reporter is stunned when he tries to report a car accident

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