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Paranormal Basics

The basics of you need to know about the paranormal and unexplained, including essential information, FAQs, how-tos and more.
  1. Paranormal Media (47)
  2. Paranormal Research Orgs (20)
  3. State-by-State Listings (73)

How do I become a paranormal expert?
Samarpeet asks how he can become a paranormal expert.

The Skeptic's Dream: An Imaginary Dialogue
An imaginary dialogue that exposes the unfair nature in the way many skeptics view the possibilities of the paranormal.

Why is the Unexplained Unexplained?
A thought experiment on why many aspects of the paranormal – from ghosts to UFOs – remain elusive and unexplained

Is the paranormal real?
A reader asks if the paranormal is real

FAQs About Paranormal Phenomena

Answers to your frequently asked questions about all aspects of paranormal phenomena.

Ghosts: What Are They?
Do you believe in ghosts? The many thousands of reports from all over the world leave little doubt that haunting experiences are quite real. But what causes them and why?

What is a haunting?
What is a haunting?

How to Know If Your House is Haunted
You have probably experienced weird sounds and sights in your house. Are they indications of ghosts?

Basics: Developing Your Psychic Abilities
Yes, you can learn to strengthen your powers of ESP. Here is some practical advice and easy-to-learn exercises that can help you tune in to consciousness shared by all living things.

Basics: The Loch Ness Monster
Seventy years ago, Nessie entered the popular culture, and over that time there have been many sightings, intriguing photos and film, and tantalizing sonar hits. But are we any closer to knowing if this plesiosaur-like creature really exists? Here's what you need to know about the Loch Ness Monster.

Basics of Psychometry
The incredible psychic ability to sense an object's past, present and future - through touch. Here's what it is, how it works, some amazing examples and how YOU can do it!

Basics of Remote Viewing
It's a scientific method of tapping into the "universal mind," transcending time and space, and bringing the unconscious into the conscious - and YOU can learn to do it.

Basics of Telekinesis
Here's a primer on telekinesis (or psychokinesis) - defined, remarkable stories of those who have it, theories on how it works... and how to develop your powers.

Paranormal Photo Gallery
A selection of weird or unexplained photos and sounds from readers.

Paranormal How To's

You've always been interested in the paranormal. You've read about it and watched the paranormal TV shows. But now it's time you got involved and began experimenting with this fascinating field yourself. Here are several how to's for exploring various aspects of paranormal phenomena.

2013 Reports of Paranormal Activity
Paranormal activity, news and views from around the world for 2013.

Reports of Paranormal Activity - 2009-2013
Collections of paranormal news stories from around the world.

Paranormal Activity Annual Roundups - 2001-2012
Annual roundups of paranormal activity, events and opinions in the news.

Sasquatch: Best Evidence
He may be the best-known - and most elusive - of all cryptozoological creatures in North America. How good is the evidence for the existence of Bigfoot?

Paranormal Photo Galleries
A collection of paranormal pictures, including ghosts, monsters, and other strange phenomena.

Top 10 Earth Mysteries
From animals encased in stone to unexplained hums and lights to perplexing flying rods, here are 10 of the most baffling Earth mysteries.

The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times
Hairy hominids, serpentine beasts, and beings even more bizarre and inexplicable have been seen around the world for centuries. Here are 10 mystifying creatures that science has yet to explain.

Top Paranormal Events of 2012
Here's a roundup of many of the most, interesting or important paranormal news stories of 2013.

Top Paranormal Events of 2012
Here's a roundup of many of the most, interesting or important paranormal news stories of 2012.

Your True Tales
A collection of stories of the paranormal and unexplained that readers swear are true.

5 Mysteries That Will Never Be Solved
From the pyramids to life after death, these mysteries might elude us forever

Considering the Paranormal
What we commonly refer to as "paranormal phenomena" could be a glimpse into the very subconscious of human beings and how our minds might interact with the universe around us.

Creating the Paranormal
The mind can tap into psychic phenomena. Can it also create physical phenomena?

Holiday gifts for fans of the paranormal
Looking for holiday gifts with a decidedly paranormal twist? Here are some suggestions for friends and family – or perhaps a treat for yourself. You'll find items in a wide price range to suit any budget, and for just about any age. Shop now so you'll get the goods in time for the holidays.

Paranormal Meets Science
An interview with Marie D. Jones, author of PSIence, on ghosts, UFOs, time travel and other phenomena – and how science might explain them.

The Psychic Symphony
How the "frequency theory of the paranormal" can explain ESP, ghosts, reincarnation and a host of other phenomena

The Scariest Games
These are paranormal games that are played in the dark of night, and can have unexpected, even terrifying results. Try “Light as a Feather, Stiff as a Board,” the Ouija board, “Bloody Mary” and spoon bending at your own risk.

Top Paranormal Experts: A Call for Professionalism
Long before today's paranormal reality-TV series, true experts were conducting extraordinary first-hand research into ghosts, weird creatures and other phenomena.

Weirdness in Every State
As you travel around these United States, keep in mind that every state has a stockpile of paranormal goings-on. Following is a sampling – one true story from each state – that will have you looking over your shoulder no matter where you live.

Weirdness in Every State - Part 2
As you travel around these United States, keep in mind that every state has a stockpile of paranormal goings-on. Following is a sampling – one true story from each state – that will have you looking over your shoulder no matter where you live. Part 2.

Best Paranormal Books of 2010 - Readers' Favorite Books of 2010
Readers are asked about their favorite paranormal books of 2010.

Coincidences - Tell Your Story of a Remarkable Coincidence
Readers are asked to tell their stories of a remarkable coincidence.

What's the Weirdest Unexplained Thing You've Ever Seen?
Readers are asked to contribute: What's the Weirdest Unexplained Thing You've Ever Seen? See submissions

What changes or improvements would you like to see in this website?
Readers are asked for their suggestions for changing or improving this website.See submissions

Paranormal News and Views for February 5, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 5, 2013:

Have a Paranormal Valentine's Day

Who says the paranormal can’t be romantic? If both you and your significant other are both obsessed with the paranormal, there are lots of ways you can share your passion for the unexplained – and each other. Consider trying any or several of the suggestions for enjoying February 14 with your partner.

A Response to Dr. Taff's Backward Rant
My response to Dr. Barry Taff's misguided and somewhat mean-spirited blog

Paranormal Databases

The Latest Paranormal News and Views
The Latest Paranormal News and Views for March 15, 2011

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for December 24, 2013:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for December 28, 2013:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for December 31, 2013:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 4, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 7, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 11, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 14, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 14, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 21, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 25, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for January 28, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 1, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 4, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 8, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 11, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 15, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 18, 2014: Pub Apparition Video, Black Nun Ghost, Reptilian Humanoid

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for April 1, 2014: Ghosts, a haunted winery, and advice from a ghost hunter.

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 29, 2014: Horrifying Clown, Science Considers Paranormal, Indrid Cold

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 25, 2014: Satellite images of the Moon reveal weird structures.

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 22, 2014: Watch an unseen hand swipe a glass object from this store counter.

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 18, 2014: Would you bid on auctioned items from a haunted house?

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 15, 2014: What Uri Geller remote viewed about the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 11, 2014: The ghost evidence they found in Room 217 of the Stanley Hotel.

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 9, 2014: Did you know you unconsciously react to events 10 seconds before they happen?

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 5, 2014:

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for March 1, 2014: Haunted Mansion for Sale, DeGeneres Haunted, Bigfoot Vandal

Paranormal News and Views for February 25, 2014
Paranormal news and views for February 25, 2014: Sliced-Up Ghost, Deathly Doppelganger, Telepathic Twins

Paranormal News and Views for September 28, 2013
Paranormal news and views for February 22, 2014:

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