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Earth Mysteries

What you need to know about a wide variety of unexplained phenomena on this planet, including ancient anomalies, Bermuda Triangle, crop circles, the hollow Earth, Earth changes and anomalies, and more.
  1. Ancient Anomalies (13)
  2. Bermuda Triangle (12)
  3. Crop Circles (19)
  4. Earth Changes (13)
  5. Hollow Earth (13)
  6. Lost Worlds and Mysterio...
  7. Spooklights and Ball Lightning (20)
  8. Zecharia Sitchin/Niburu

The Nazca Lines Gallery
A gallery of the Nazca Lines, geoglyphs of animals and other figures in the Nazca desert of southern Peru.

The Nazca Lines – What Are They?
There are many theories as to why the Nazca people created the figures, and I have one of my own.

Paranormal Hot Spots
Vortexes of bizarre sightings, unexplained encounters and eerie events.

Top 10 Earth Mysteries
From animals encased in stone to unexplained hums and lights to perplexing flying rods, here are 10 of the most baffling Earth mysteries.

Animals Sealed in Stone
Amazing, true cases of living frogs, toads and other creatures found encased within solid rock.

Hail of Stones from Nowhere
Stones and rocks rain down from clear skies on houses and people, seemingly materializing out of nowhere. What could be the cause of this bizarre phenomenon?

Killer Fog
The eerie shroud of water vapor can and does kill. That’s the fog we’re familiar with. There are also more mysterious forms of fog that materialize from dimensions unknown.

Paranormal Hot Spots
There are many places around the U.S. that seem to be focal points of high strangeness: vortexes of bizarre sightings, unexplained encounters and eerie events.

Mysterious Tunnels
Expeditions exploring tunnels around the world return with strange tales of subterranean civilizations and advanced, ancient technology.

Mystery Spots and Gravity Hills
Cars and balls seem to roll uphill, people appear able to stand at impossible angles - all in contradiction to the laws of gravity and physics. What's really happening at these curious locations?

Phantom Plane Crashes
Unexplained cases of planes going down, the impacts are heard and felt... but no sign of a crash is ever discovered

Secrets of Coral Castle
Did a reclusive immigrant rediscover the secrets to the building of the pyramids? His amazing "castle" may hold clues to long-lost powers.

Strange Sounds from All Over the World
People all over the globe are reporting strange, loud, unexplained sounds that seem to be coming from the sky. Here is a roundup of those reports.

The Tunguska Mystery
In 1908, something exploded in an isolated area of Siberia. Was it a meteor, a comet, or something even more incredible?

Unexplained Sounds
Mysterious booms, annoyingly persistent hums, and underground mechanical rumblings that defy explanation.

When Nature Goes Nuts
Incredible yet true accounts of rain, clouds, lightning and storms that behave in a way that seems downright impossible!

Weird Cloud Behavior
When is a cloud not a cloud? Perhaps when it behaves so strangely - even to the point of attacking people - that it becomes a truly puzzling manifestation.

Water, Water Everywhere... from Nowhere
Strange cases of water and other liquids mysteriously falling from clear skies and dry ceilings.

Weird Nature Stories
True stories of experiences with weird nature.

Weird, Weird Rain
Heads up! There's all kinds of strange stuff falling from the sky: frogs, sardines, jellyfish, alligators and maybe - just maybe - cows!

The Ice is Falling! The Ice is Falling!
In early 2000, mysterious falls of large chunks of ice rained down on Italy and Spain. But these are just recent instances of a phenomenon that has occurred at least for centuries.

Cloud turns into giant face
Some fantastic looking clouds turn into a giant face in profile.

Mystery Spherical Flare
A strange, mysterious spherical flare from source unknown is recorded by an observatory in Hawaii.

Unexplained Shot-Like Bang
Unexplained Shot-Like Bang - Your True Tales - December 2012

The Saving Fog
The Saving Fog - Your True Tales - February 2013

The Magical Tunnel of Trees
The Magical Tunnel of Trees - Your True Tales - August 2013

Strange Oozing Fog
Strange Oozing Fog - Your True Tales - August 2013

Strange sounds haunt Canada sky
This video by a resident of British Columbia, Canada, records mysterious, trumpet-like sounds from the sky.

Haunted by The Stone Thrower
Your True Tales of Haunted by The Stone Thrower - December 2013

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