gelato is a tumblelog CMS built on AJAX, PHP and MySQL

The gelato project is open source (you can use and change the original source code freely). You can browse the source code, request features, read the wiki and use the forum from the Gelato home at Google code or you can contact the authors.

The post formats found on gelato include photos, video, audio, links, quotes and dialogues.

gelato CMS created by Pedro Santana.

Gelato Installation

How to install gelato CMS

  1. Download and unzip the gelato package, if you haven't already.
  2. Create a database for gelato on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
  3. Rename the config-sample.php file to config.php.
  4. Open config.php in your favorite text editor and fill in your database details.
  5. Place the gelato files in the desired location on your web server.
  6. Run the gelato installation script by accessing install.php in your favorite web browser.
    • If you installed gelato in the root directory, you should visit:
    • If you installed gelato in its own subdirectory called tumblelog, for example, you should visit:
  7. Set CHMOD / permission ( Chmod 777 ) to the folder 'uploads'
    • Warning:

      Do not forget to delete the install.php file once you finish installing gelato

That's it! gelato should now be installed.

How to install gelato CMS (Manually)

  1. Download and unzip the gelato package, if you haven't already.
  2. Create a database for gelato on your web server, as well as a MySQL user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
  3. Execute the script /db/gelato_db.sql into your database.
  4. Rename the config-sample.php file to config.php.
  5. Open config.php in your favorite text editor and fill in your database details.
    • Note:

      The test data on the script /db/gelato_db.sql use the table prefix 'gel_'.

  6. Place the gelato files in the desired location on your webhosting server.
    • Note:

      The test data on the script /db/gelato_db.sql point the installation to http://localhost/gelato.

  7. Set CHMOD / permission ( Chmod 777 ) to the folder 'uploads'

That's it! gelato should now be installed. With the next user data:

How to update to v0.90 from v0.85

  1. Download and unzip the gelato package, if you haven't already.
  2. Create a backup of your config.php file.
  3. Replace all the old files with those from the new 0.85 EXCEPT for the file config.php.
    • Warning:

      If you do replace it by error, use the backup you create during step two.

  4. Execute the update.php file.
  5. Set CHMOD / permission ( Chmod 777 ) to the folder 'uploads'

That's it! gelato should now be updated.

Anonymous SVN Access

If you want to access the source code on read mode, you can access to the SVN through anonymous way.

svn checkout gelatocms

Web-based interface

If you only want to view into the current status of gelato's code you can browse the SVN tree using the SVN web-based interface.