

The bloopers are making a return! YAAAY! So cute how Jess is like 'resolution' instead of 'revolution' :')


People with the money might buy that 3000 card it just depends. Most people probably not, but there are people with expensive cars or these expensive gpus just depends on your situation


I really missed the bloopers! Great job Jess and Ed


$3000 for a graphics card, and PC gamers say PC gaming is cheep, even if I could afford it I wouldn't get one just for the sake of playing games, at that price its ridiculous.

Would sooner stick to my PS4 where 100 games are being developed for it and everyone knows the console market is more focused, for me PC fazed out around 2002, but what would I know, I havent PC gamed for years now.


Im about as worried about there being another Assassin's Creed as I am about COD.  As soon as one is released its about 99% certain that a new one will come out about a year from now.


nice show Jess.

I agree with your top news ranking.

3000 $ GPU....

Another Assassin's Creed (2 are going to be out Comet and Unity)....

No real games on the PS4.... LOL sad me....

And that terrible Oculus buyout by Dumbook.

God what is wrong with this world!?


couldnt  care about oculus and facecrap

morpheus here i come


Just to let you know:

You won't win a console war by building up graphics as if they're the most important thing in gaming. Gaming is about fun experiences(period)


Sooooo Ubisoft had to downgrade the graphics in Watch Dogs because the PS4 has unlimited memory? Makes sense.


People who are worried about Facebook buying Oculus

* have never tried the oculus rift 

* have some stupid idea that suddenly the only game out will be Farmville VR  ....dumbasses

* Dont realize more $$$  means better consumer version Oculus....and have never been following the Oculus Subreddit to know the development challenges Oculus was facing.

* Think Mark Zuckerburg buys things to try and save a dying Facebook.....not realizing Facebook owns Instagram...and instagram doesnt integrate with facebook at all...to this day!

Bottom Line.....Notch was never an Oculus Rift Developer...he was just a Fat Guy who liked VR  and doesnt like Facebook......and likes to make LOUD Obnoxious Comments ....because he likes the attention


I was rooting for Assassin's Creed to be set in Feudal Japan (like so many other people I saw commenting when Ubisoft asked what location they would like to see next), but I'm not surprised at all that Ubisoft would refuse to go in that direction to avoid anything that could be considered "UN-Western." So far, Ubisoft has only been putting out titles that are set in Europe or a Western setting, they haven't touched Asia remotely. Despite their claim of "This game was developed by a multicultural team of various faiths and beliefs,” they steer clear from any setting that ins't part of their Western utopia. They are discriminating Nationalists and so full of shit!


The irony of Notch pulling Minecraft is that with Facebook buying Oculus the real concern many of us have is it could hurt Oculus community and development. But Notches reaction just creates more uncertainty and drama and does real tangible harm to the Oculus community that was unnecessary.  

It wasn't going to change the buyout or the decision so Notch would have been better off stating he was dissapointed but would do what he can to insure that Oculus will be developer friendly and hope that Facebook supports the Oculus community. Notch feels like a fair weather friend of sorts in the deal.


Wow! Most gamers believe that Ubisoft's decleration

regarding churning out assassin's creed sequals every year

symbolizes everything that's wrong with the video game business:



It's the French REVOLUTION Jess... Au Revoir


Don't give a shit how pretty AC unity is as long as we finally get an assassin who can crouch at will instead of being so damn useless he can't crouch behind a low wall, crate or a boulder & only knows how to hide in special bushes.


Love the last bit cut...lol, real cute Jess


So many butthurt PC fanboys here. They can't accept that 8GB of Unified GDDR5 RAM is an excellent things. Especially compared to the crappy 1-2GB of video RAM far too many of them are using as proven by the Steam HW Reviews.


All we can do now with Oculus Rift, is wait and see.

The CV1 was going to be a day one purchase for me but now I'll definitely wait to see what's hidden in the drivers (shouldn't take too long for them to be ripped apart) before buying a set.

Still hopeful that it'll be a top notch piece of kit, aimed squarely at gamers. Eventually, Facebook will definitely try to push the user base into far more diverse markets but it should still primarily be a gaming product for the first few years.


I don't see the point in a 3000 dollar video card if game companies are still scaling most of their games to consoles. I mean, imagine the game you'd have to make to take advantage of it. You'd probably need a 500 million dollar budget and you'd sell it to about 50 rich guys.


PS4, Ubisoft, and Watchdogs:  

"PS4's memory is a dream. . ."  BUT IN COMPARISON TO WHAT?!!

In comparison to the PS3 or Xbox One? Was it meant to be propaganda against the Xbox One?  It probably was since only half the story was told.  You don't be a Einstein to figure that one out.

$3,000 buck for video card.  But that's not all.  What about cost of ownership?  What about the electricity bill to go with it's usage?

Assassin's Creed: Who cares.  I love Ubisoft, but AC is nothing special.

Great presentation. Great show.  Who cares about video games?



You know those cards are for hype? right?(like Titan was before that one)

They exist for "show" pure marketing kinda like "we are nvidia our d*ck is bigger than yours"

No one would buy one unless they can.

Because....you don't need one.


I mean, graphics can make your experience fun, no doubt, but to say that they're the most important thing, even the only important thing (PS4 is SOOOOO much better cause graphics!!!!!) is wrong. Fun experiences can be built around pretty much anything.


@rickphoenixxx  probably cause your crap box one couldnt handle

so they had to downgrade the ps4 version to be equal

see what i did ?



I feel like everything should have unlimited memory by now. Aren't we at a time in civilization where we have the technology to make things, almost as sharp and smooth as they can get. Think about it:

Make a mother board that can handle 30gb of ram

A graphic card/slot that can handle 30gb of ram

100 TB hard drive

A processor with 10 cores

Mass produce this machine and sell it to everyone. The tech really won't be that expensive, as opposed to having 100s of companies working on separate things spending millions on time and innovation, hire one company to create this beast machine. I bet they could do it in a years time.

This is all possible right now. Get your tinfoil hats ready, I feel like the industry realizes this, they have to.. They just really like the market they have right now, they're making billions of dollars off us, yeah? One machine that can do everything and that's all she wrote. Do we really need 500 companies in this industry though? Can't we just have one to continue to repair and produce parts and when we hit a wall in 20 years as programming improves build us up some upgrades (Like one. One upgrade. OK our last graphic card had 30gb of memory and we have programs that max that out, now we're going to make a 100gb model, should be a BIT before we max that one out.) Someone should petition Obama to get them to stop leaching off of society, or make an American government funded company to produce them for us, if it can't be a worldwide thing, it should be worldwide though, maybe Obama can still do this. I mean dang, they could build this far greater than we'll ever need machine, and move onto important innovations elsewhere, like space travel, and harvesting planets for resources.


@philly215  I agree with your bullet points, however Notch said what he said because he gave $10,000 to the kickstarter project just to see how the project was sold to FB. 

Hey, even if I gave $100 I would also be pissed! Yeah, it's logical to sell your company for 2 f*ing billion dollars, however gamers are passionate individuals and tend to follow their hearts quite often, so yeah, a whole bunch of people is pissed.


@philly215  way to piss all over your spiel by finishing with an Obnoxious pointless Comment


@DigiRave   The first game was set in Syria and other places in Western Asia


@DigiRave  Just so you know, the first Assassin's Creed was set in Asia. Or, would you rather just forget that so that you still have something to complain about?


@DuaneDog  Occulous community?? You talk like the people buying this have any real say or part of the development of it. You're all just SPECTATORS. Anyone who isn't part of the development team who thinks what they have to say matter is just delusional and full of shit. 


@slainta your an idiot, first off, gauging what people own based on steam hw is just stupid. Secondly, my graphics card with its tiny 1gb ddr5 dedicated video memory paired with my 8gb of ddr3 ram and a phenom II X4 quad is just as powerful if not more than these next gen consoles which as mkeezay22 has stated are already out dated in terms of there hardware, so three years from now when your games still look the same and us pc "fanboys" are ripping the latest and greatest because we can always upgrade. PC is still the fastest and most powerful gaming platform, consoles are dumbed down for people like you who cant comprehend the value of a decent pc.


@slainta you do know there is a difference between video memory and the main ram right? obviously not, well most PCs have a video card which is better than the PS4s two year old card and many PC gamers are using anywhere from 8 to 16 gb of main memory plus 2gb of video memory that is way more than PS4.



You blame consoles for holding back PC graphics yet even though you hinted at it yourself you still don't realise that the only thing that holds back graphic fidelity is the cost of development. 


@dmblum1799  I think this card is aimed at people who are into heavy duty rendering for animation, your pixars and the like



"PS4 memory is a dream..." is a statement not a comparison

Anyone buying a $3000 video card is more then likely not concerned about the amount of electricity it is consuming.

Assassin's Creed: millions of people like and enjoy it

Poor points. Poor post. Countless millions care about video games.


@SaintsRowLA  PS4 memory has GDDR 5, not many things have it, and it's really nice for devs to work with. End of story.


@Albaficas @rickphoenixxxMy 360 and PS3 can't handle Watch Dogs I agree. And the "crap box" happens to be BOTH next gen consoles mostly due to the subpar CPU's. Forza 5 has cardboard cutout backgrounds and Killzone SF multuplayer has 960 x 1080 resolution(roughly 720p in lines). Educate yourself and get back to me.


@DigiRave @DuaneDog  hes talking about the indie dev community who have created 100% of the existing content for the Oculus Rift

and how their excitement leads to new dev work and new experiences


@mkeezay22  He doesn't even understand that RAM isn't a bottleneck anymore on modern systems. It's the GPU itself and in some cases even the CPU but only very rarely RAM. VRAM only limits the amount of stuff like 4k textures and only very few games even reach 2GB of VRAM on PC. Only heavily modded games with a lot of graphic mods and textures like Skyrim can bring your VRAM to its limits.

That being said he doesn't seem to understand how to read the Steam HW stats. Not everyone playing games is a "core gamer" by any means. A huge amount of people using Steam are people that play a few casual or older games on their business laptops and stuff. The "core gamers" who are interested in the newest games with the best graphics avalable are only a rather small number of Steam users and they are usually/naturally the 30% with the best systems, using 2GB, 3GB or even more VRAM and at least 8GB of main RAM. 

@slainta I know it's hard to understand the PC market if you only play on console but you should at least try first before making dumb and ridiculous statements...



You took everything way too seriously.

If you've read my posts over the past three weeks, you would know what context I meant them in.

People always complaining that they weren't spoon fed the news they wanted and bitching and complaining.  Just Jess being here is what's important.  Video games aren't important by compairton.  Jess the human being is what's most important.  It doesn't matter what she reports.  

I don't think you can relate to where I'm coming from, but it's true.

I was being a bit of a troll in a bad mood.  A journisist should ask in compaisons to what?; there is more than just the price to an item, there is also the cost of ownership as with everything else.


@Richie_Kotzev @LordCrash88  PC is by no means "overwhelmed by 1st person games". That's just not true. Tbh the rate of these games is higher on consoles...

And most people play on PC because they don't want to use the controller for each and every game. That said the Xbox controller is supported in 95% of all major games and no, it's not an emulator. The controller works exactly as on consoles. Of course it's not as accurate as a mouse but that's the nature of the tech and no PC specific "failure"...

And the initial post here wasn't at all about all this. It was about PS4 superior to PC because the 8GB of unified RAM which is just ridiculous no matter what. ;)


@LordCrash88  slainta  well he was a little bit unfortunate on his lines but..there's nothing better than buying a system and play games as they are intended to be, without having to keep upgrading your machine, worrying about controller support (which in most cases are very lame on pc like having to use an xbox controller emulator even though you are using xbox official controller). pc is overwhelmed with 1st person games, which sucks, since you have to sit at the computer (since using controller won't be that accurate. ) well, it is just my personal opinion and I currently game on pc. I'm just waiting for more next gen releases to make my move.


@SaintsRowLA This is true, everyone does have their bad days. I'm sorry you were having a bad day. :( I hope you're feeling better.