Journey PlayStation 3


Universal acclaim - based on 78 Critics What's this?

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  • Summary: Enter the world of Journey, the third game from indie developers thatgamecompany (creators of "flOw" and "Flower"). Journey is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s. You wake alone and surrounded byEnter the world of Journey, the third game from indie developers thatgamecompany (creators of "flOw" and "Flower"). Journey is an interactive parable, an anonymous online adventure to experience a person’s life passage and their intersections with other’s. You wake alone and surrounded by miles of burning, sprawling desert, and soon discover the looming mountaintop which is your goal. Faced with rolling sand dunes, age-old ruins, caves and howling winds, your passage will not be an easy one. The goal is to get to the mountaintop, but the experience is discovering who you are, what this place is, and what is your purpose. Travel and explore this ancient, mysterious world alone, or with a stranger you meet along the way. Soar above ruins and glide across sands as you discover the secrets of a forgotten civilization. [thatgamecompany] Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 77 out of 78
  2. Mixed: 0 out of 78
  3. Negative: 1 out of 78
  1. Mar 22, 2013
    An ethereal, innovative, emotional cooperative experience, thatgamecompany’s Journey is one that any PlayStation 3 owner should take.
  2. Mar 1, 2012
    Journey isn't a game - it's an experience. The few hours that this complete gem contains are completely breathtaking, and cement Thatgamecompany's status as visionaries.
  3. Mar 12, 2012
    After playing Journey, I couldn't get it out of my head for days. Journey goes left, where every other game goes right; the game is a crafted experience that has been built with such care and attention that it easily transcends the label of "game" and expands into a broad, delightful experience.
  4. Mar 2, 2012
    Journey is a defiant bridge between art and game, managing to emotionally connect without being cloying, and succeeding in being mysterious without becoming pretentiously vague and obfuscating. Journey's interactive, visual, and aural elements work together, rather than fight with each other, in order to provide a flowing, seamless, influential, and utterly exhilarating experience...This is interactive art. This is how it's done.
  5. May 12, 2012
    Journey is short, very short, clocking in at a little over an hour. But that hour is an hour of unique and magical experiences.
  6. 90
    Journey may be short, but it will leave you entranced for the entire ride. You will go from being mystified to intrigued to moved to much more. Throw out your expectations for platforming games and enjoy either the loneliness or the community in the desert of anonymity.
  7. Mar 19, 2012
    It mostly reminded me of some of the dull and barely interactive bits of Uncharted 3. I think the lesson here is that deserts are often poorly suited to games without dune buggies...There's no challenge and no real gameplay, which isn't necessarily a criticism. It's sort of like Shadow of the Colossus without any colossi, or Ico without the little girl.

See all 78 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Negative: 37 out of 378
  1. Mar 13, 2012
    Are you are tired of gaming? Has your interest in gaming been dulled over time with the endless games that are just the same but in aAre you are tired of gaming? Has your interest in gaming been dulled over time with the endless games that are just the same but in a different clothing? Or are you just plain fed up of all that DLC and penny pinching that is plaguing the industry these days? Then let me tell you, you need this game!

    Save this game for a rainy day where your feeling a little melancholy, a little tired of the world around,
    close the door on society and make sure no one can interrupt you for the next two hours and be absorbed into what will be the most touching two hours of your gaming life!
    You will embark on a journey with another, they will become your video gaming soul mate for the next 2 hours. Both will share an understanding, like two people who speak different languages but can communicate just by knowing what the other person is gesturing. This is gaming nirvana and it has given me a little faith back in video games.
    When its done like this no other medium can speak to you this way! I'm afraid companies like this are in a minority but by god am I going to support them to put out more games like this. Ive stood up and applauded my favorite bands, Ive even stood up and applauded my favorite movie in the theater! But never and I mean never have I stood up and applauded a game after I have completed it, that is until now and I'm not ashamed to tell you that is exactly what I did...even shaking my own head in disbelief of what I was doing!....this piece of art is THAT good!
  2. Mar 19, 2012
    1 hour of gameplay that simply made me love video games even more. Who said video games couldn't be a work of art? True I just played 1 hour1 hour of gameplay that simply made me love video games even more. Who said video games couldn't be a work of art? True I just played 1 hour but I will definitely go back to play it for who knows how many more times. For those who have played: Limbo, Lost in Shadow and Flower and I don't know if for some but to me maybe a little to Shadow of the Colossus. You won't be dissapointed by this game. Expand
  3. Oct 3, 2013
    Journey is an odd game. It's essentially three to three and a half hours of gameplay, and has no real objectives besides get to the mountain.Journey is an odd game. It's essentially three to three and a half hours of gameplay, and has no real objectives besides get to the mountain. It isn't really a game in the sense of the word. It's an experience. A lot of the things you will see in journey provoke ambiguous response. Not a single word is said throughout the game, but there is a better story here than in any huge budget triple-A title I have ever played. It's beautiful, and is drop dead gorgeous at points. The soundtrack is serene and fitting. My time with journey left my jaw hanging quite literally. Journey is a game anyone with a ps3 needs to play. Expand
  4. Mar 15, 2012
    i suppose this is a short product if you like to finish games as fast as you can. if you're like me and enjoy searching every nook and crannyi suppose this is a short product if you like to finish games as fast as you can. if you're like me and enjoy searching every nook and cranny it will last much longer. soaking in the visuals and ambiance is a must, and you will want to replay it. if you have bad taste, and enjoy the michael bay style of in your face moremoremore, it is not for you. the people giving this game bad scores are the same people who give god of war games "10's" even though it is a $60 game that lasts 5 hours. Expand
  5. Jun 18, 2013
    It may only last a couple two hours and, aside from a few simple puzzles, there is little actual gameplay but there is no other experience inIt may only last a couple two hours and, aside from a few simple puzzles, there is little actual gameplay but there is no other experience in gaming like playing Journey. Anyone that doubts video games can be an art form must surely change their minds after playing this. Expand
  6. Jhe
    Mar 15, 2012
    This review contains spoilers, click expand to view. In most games, is easy to say "Is like this, this and that; you will enjoy this; you will hate that, etc etc"
    Not for this one.This is a game that you HAVE to play to pass judgement on... All i can tell you ( if you "beat" it already), is that If it only took you an hour to "finish", and you are not at peace....then you did not understand the game. You have...HAVE to think about the path you take in the game. Do you linger? or do you head straight through?
    Do you finish all the pieces of the puzzle? or just enough to get by?
    Which way do you go?
    and why?

    As a general notion (if you haven't played it, yet):

    Imagine waking up in the middle of the desert....

    what do you do?
    and why?
  7. Sep 8, 2015
    I though it was only an introduction, but when i saw The End... What? It was fraud, I presume. Creators swindled out my money using goodI though it was only an introduction, but when i saw The End... What? It was fraud, I presume. Creators swindled out my money using good picture and music. Expand

See all 378 User Reviews


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