
Mixed or average reviews - based on 10 Critics What's this?

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Generally unfavorable reviews- based on 871 Ratings

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  • Summary: This new chapter in the Call of Duty franchise features a fresh dynamic where players are on the side of a crippled nation fighting not for freedom, or liberty, but simply to survive. 10 years after a devastating mass event, the nation's borders and the balance of global power have been permanently redrawn. As what's left of the nation's Special Operations forces, a mysterious group known only as "Ghosts" leads the fight back against a newly emerged, technologically-superior global power. In Call of Duty: Ghosts you don't just create a class, you create a soldier. Choose the head, body type, head-gear and equipment, and you can even create a female soldier for the first time. With over 20,000 possible combinations, you can create the soldier you've always wanted. And each soldier you create will also have his or her own load outs. Expand
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 10
  2. Negative: 0 out of 10
  1. Nov 5, 2013
    Infinity Ward brings a different kind of game with Call of Duty: Ghosts than their usual CoD titles. They have an intriguing, story driven campaign that is accompanied by an incredibly fun (and deep) multiplayer experience.
  2. 80
    There is still a ton of depth for vets, with a new expanded perk system that lets you mix and match perks from all categories, tons of new game modes such as the fast-paced Cranked and Blitz, and the ability to build a near invincible squad and watch it climb the leaderboards without you even playing.
  3. Nov 14, 2013
    After loving the campaign in Black Ops 2, the single player in Ghosts feels like a step back for the series. The campaign felt tiresome, familiar, predictable and linear. The multiplayer on the other hand, saves the day as the tweaks to the gameplay and the new games modes make this the best multiplayer COD experience to date.
  4. Nov 6, 2013
    Ghosts will disappoint those only in it for the singleplayer, although – Extinction aside – the multiplayer feels like just more of the same. Those who play online will still get their money’s worth, but a proper evolution of the series’ mechanics is now desperately needed.
  5. Nov 5, 2013
    It's still my favorite online multiplayer shooter. But the bells and whistles surrounding the game are muted and missing, leaving behind that same core without giving you enough new and exciting reasons to come back.
  6. Nov 12, 2013
    It's a generally by-the-numbers excursion through big-budget wartime set pieces that, due to an unavoidable air of familiarity, wares out its welcome much quicker than it should.
  7. Nov 18, 2013
    COD players, myself included, will still play Ghosts for the sake of having 20 or so new maps to play on over the course of the year, but in a franchise that’s the same year after year with slight changes, it’s reasonable to expect things to materially improve, not to take even a small step backwards.

See all 10 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 44 out of 212
  1. Dec 10, 2013
    Call of Duty:Ghosts is awesome more than any other Cod games for the simple reason that it is IMPROVED.
    Lagging is reduced so that is a big
    advantage for me, sniping is really improved, firing is improved, kill streaks, perks, equipments and attactments are added and the guns are awesome especially the USR, SC-2010, Honey Badger, VRX-160 and the Vector CRB.
    And the last thing is that it is very hard to level up, in an hour I levelled u only 2/3 levels, meanwhile on Mw3 in an hour straight playing I level up to level 30.
    I dont' see why many people hate it
  2. Nov 5, 2013
    My review is currently based on only playing the online portion of the game. I will update after playing the single player campaign, which in my opinion, has to be better than Blops 2 which I never even finished.

    I played Squads and Multiplayer for a few hours this morning after the midnight release and really enjoyed my experience. Create a soldier and loadout screens are pretty deep customization of your character. The quasi pick 10 system carryover from Blops2 and strike packages from MW3 are both welcome additions to the game

    I was able to jump right in and get some kills and score streaks, which was a change for me from Blops 2 and MW3 where I was barely able to crack a 1.00 K/D and .75 for MW3 respectively. Additionally I like the maps this time around, they are bigger and not shoebox size like before. There are more open spaces for people who prefer to NOT run and gun everywhere with an SMG.

    Lastly I have played the Battlefield games and have always preferred CoD. Similar formula as before with some tweaks and changes I feel are for the better.
  3. Nov 7, 2013
    What I Found which DISAPPOINTED me GREATLY: - Very boring maps - Map sizes are WAY to big for a mere 6v6 - ONLY 6v6 no more 9v9 - CRAP graphics
    - BORING killstreaks SOME ARE TOTALLY USELESS for example HELO sniper STAY AWAY GUYS!!)
    - boring weapons

    + Side:
    - Fun new game modes, Crank most fun to play IMO
    - Mounting over walls system
    - Squad mode is fun
    - Allows those who don't feel like playing competitive to play squad mode for a more relaxed game
    - Good AI system

    - Customization was disappointing IMO, needed more faces imo
    - CAMPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP GALOOORE you will BARELY find an actual good player who runs around the map
    - Laggy Just for me i think. .
    - The new lean system seem useless to me, used it once every 10 games and slide system is also useless. Only found myself using it to race my teammate to capture a point at the start of domination and in blitz mode to enter the portal thiny
    - Extinction was disappointing IMO
  4. Nov 7, 2013
    multiplayer maps are a camp fest BIG let down and sniping is to easy after all the good, sound hit detection ,customization of your squad. i hope this is fixed soon or im camping lol Expand
  5. Nov 7, 2013
    With the same engine as the last 5 installments in the series this game also offers the same banal drivel you would come to expect from this set-piece driven eplodaganza. Gameplay shows no discernible difference from the previous game and the single player campaign can easily be completed within 5 hours. The multplayer is the same mindless face shooting that the series prides itself on. Expand
  6. Feb 14, 2014
    I've been in Video Gaming since the late 1980's and on online gaming since 1997, with average of 4+ hours daily online gaming, technically speaking i have spent playing online gaming much more than the life of many online players nowadays.

    Why i said that is to inform that i have seen almost all kind of online and offline gaming ever been created on all platforms, and i never and i mean never seen a game goes bad like Ghost.

    I'm totally honest when i say, because of this game i have changed my hobby to another field and i quit gaming, as i never seen any game more disturbing and failing like this game.

    Technically it is much better than all COD games, however practically it is score Big Zero with me.

    I can say why, however i will be wasting my precious time on this game, i don't know if they should call it a game.

    I don't know who design it, however these guys should be sacked and i mean it badly.

    The only one who seem to like it is the critics, i just wonder why don't they create games for critics and other games for the rest of us... :-)

    Fail bad...
  7. Nov 5, 2013
    I cant believe i just tried again cod and yes it is completely failed again. Really big disappointment in single story, no changes in multiplayer(mostly). Big shame to all cod series, every year infinity going down faster Expand

See all 212 User Reviews