Website Subscription

The Kyiv Post, the "World's Window on Ukraine" since 1995, is committed to independent, trustworthy and community-oriented journalism about the nation.

We offer two types of subscription: print and online.

Before paying, please sign in with your login and password on the homepage. If you don't have a login or password, you can register on the homepage. Please note that the e-mail you state in the payment form and in your login should be the same - this will help faster identification in our subscribers' list.

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*On-line payment safety. We use iPay service certified with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), a proprietary information security standard for organizations that handle cardholder information for the major debit, credit, prepaid, e-purse, ATM, and POS cards.

All Visa and MasterCard payments are secured with the international standards for overseas transactions. iPay automatically encodes your confidential information. Your information is stored and processed to meet the requirements of international standards for information security.

Note: American Express cards are not currently accepted.

If you experience any problems, email or call (380) 44-591-3344 or (380) 44-591-7788.

Frequently Asked Questions

Description Price -
1 month 20.00 USD Make a payment
12 months 50.00 USD Make a payment
PC.UA 100.00 UAH Make a payment

Newspaper Subscription

Description Price -
1 month (Ukraine) - Send delivery address to 88.00 UAH Make a payment
6 months (Ukraine) - Send delivery address to 455.00 UAH Make a payment
1 year (Ukraine) - Send delivery address to 754.00 UAH Make a payment
6 months (Abroad) - Send delivery address to 111.00 USD Make a payment
1 year (Abroad) - Send delivery address to 222.00 USD Make a payment
6 month renewal (Abroad) 99.00 USD Make a payment
1 year renewal (Abroad) 199.00 USD Make a payment
1 month (Abroad) - Send delivery address to 20.00 USD Make a payment
3 months (Ukraine) - Send delivery address to 247.00 UAH Make a payment
1 issue (Abroad) 7.00 USD Make a payment