Language and regional editions

Based on your mobile or tablet providers, we automatically detect the locale of users and display the local or regional edition of Google News we think is appropriate.

Nexus and iPad Tablets

If you'd like to see a different Google News edition, you can use the drop-down menu that appears at the bottom of the Google News Front page; the link will display the name of the edition you're currently viewing. To change your edition click any of the options listed in the menu. For example, to switch to the German edition, you'd select "Deutschland" from the drop-down menu.

Mobile devices

To select your language or country edition, click the Settings icon on the top right of the page and select Change Edition.

For a full list of Google News editions, please visit this page.

If we haven't yet included the language or region you're looking for, please come back soon as you can expect more additions over time. Our goal is to offer Google News for tablet and mobile devices to all of our users throughout the world.