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Interview with Pramod Mutalik of Bajarang Dal…‹° „¯‰± ¯rw® Š¯Ç®óyµä°î®±Oʺq® ‡®±±î®N®-‡®±±î®r‡®±‹Sµ Euµ²ã°S¯î®N¯ý®S®¡®w®±Ý N®ªÞš®…œ®±u®©åîµ°?

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Gujarat and the victory of fundamental Hindutva
800 million Hindus have no need to feel threatened by the 150 million minority, they need to feel threatened by people who believe a dead cow is more valuable than five living Dalits. I honestly believe we can stop India from becoming a stomping ground for Hindu supremacist ideologues, and the time to act is now. Read On

Babur: What kind of a Mughal was he? - Part 1
The multilateral Indian sub-continent began to jell into the monolithic Indian sub-continent with Babur as first of the great Mughals. In retrospect, it was a starting point and a blessing in disguise to unite a balkanized Hindu India of many kingdoms. Babur was a great warrior and a born adventurer. No wonder, a British historian has spoken of him a few words: "To Babur, success was an ultimate certainty and failure but a temporary inconvenience". What a beautiful expression of Babur's self-confidence and fighting quality! 
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Babur: What kind of a Mughal was he?  - Part 2
Babur had never loved India which he dubbed as "an unattractive, unsociable, uncouth and exceedingly numerous race of infidels. They could never live at ease." Babur was contemptuous of the Rajput`s idolatry. In fact, Babur and his Mughals wanted to get back to Kabul and beyond. Babur still dreaming of capturing Samarkand, Timur`s capital and his childhood dream. Read On

Gujarat carnage: Many thoughts as I watched Pak TV - By K.B.Ganapathy Part 3
Certainly these are all a matter of faith. When others expect us to respect their faith, why can't Hindus expect the same from others? We can ask many questions in this fashion just as Hobbes has asked in his seminal philosophical work Leviathan. Therefore, let us all be fair to each other in the name of the same old God and STOP questioning the faith. And then, if I may stretch this argument a little further, Is not the very idea of God a myth? Therefore, there is no point in repeating the point that Ram of Hindus is mythical ad nauseam.
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Gujarat carnage: Many thoughts as I watched Pak TV - By K.B.Ganapathy Part 2
When an editor of the stature of Vinod Mehta of Outlook asked the question in the "Big Fight" "how could 2000 people all of a sudden in 10 minutes gather to attack the train killing 58 persons (26 women and 16 children)", there was interruption and the anchorman of Star TV simply prevented an answer by moving on deliberately to another question. This kind of TV programmes based on the evil principle of "suppressio veri and suggestio falsie" should be eschewed in the name of, if not God and fair-play, at least during our life time as the Pak TV anchor piously hoped. Read On

Gujarat carnage: Many thoughts as I watched Pak TV - By K.B.Ganapathy Part 1
The subject of the discussion in Pak TV was the communal violence in Gujarat and there were three distinguished persons- a Professor, a barrister and another, I think, an army man. Of course, all the three were understandably biased against India, but the lady anchor discharged her responsibility with dignity and grace. That was really commendable compared to, as I said earlier, Star TV's political editor and anchor Rajdeep Sardesai. Read On 

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