Child Care Courses

Child Care Courses

Child care is one of the most important things in life. A child develops physically, emotionally and cognitively the most from infancy to the age of five years. Therefore parents or caregivers must support and guide the child’s development.


Every human being is unique and that is why none of us developed at the same pace. That being said, there are still the main developmental stages that every child will go through in their own time and in their own way. It is vital that every parent or caregiver understands these phases of development and constantly stimulate the child physically, emotionally and cognitively.

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As a new parent to an infant, you must be familiar with your child’s development and what you have to provide to your child. There are many child care courses you can study from home and still be able to care for your newborn. ‘Parents to be’ might also want to take a child care course from home before their child is born to properly prepare themselves.



As caregivers or parents you want the best for the child. You will want to provide the necessary support and to comprehend the importance of understanding the growth and development of the child. You can either do research on how to care for a child or go for child care training.


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Course Beneficial For Your Career

If you are aspiring to open your own day care centre, play school or after school care centre then you should think about taking a child day care course along with a child care management course. You will acquire skills to care for children from infancy onwards and will also learn the necessary business traits to manage your own child care centre.


Where to Study?

College SA offers distance learning courses in child care. Distance learning is a way of studying at your own pace in the comfort of your home, at work or while travelling. This enables you to study while you are pregnant, working, travelling or busy taking care of young ones.


College SA offers the following courses in Child Care:



These courses will teach you how to care for a child. You will learn about a child’s developmental stages, the psychology of a child, the proper nutrition for growth and health and what to do in an emergency.


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“Children must be taught how to think, not what to think.”

― Margaret Mead



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