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Jessica Bates
5 have her in circles


Jessica Bates

commented on a video on YouTube.
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One Direction's contract with Modest! Mangement ends in January. They are then gonna sign with Columbia. Maybe they won't be as controlling as Modest!
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Jessica Bates

commented on a video on YouTube.
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None of these videos are of you.. First it was a different girl.. now you have another one.. wow..
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In her circles
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Have her in circles
5 people

Jessica Bates

commented on a video on YouTube.
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Louis said he was flamboyant. Flamboyant means that you are either brightly colored, fruity, or homosexual. That right there is kind of enough proof really. It's harry's turn to make it completely obvious then. I am waiting to see hat Louis's big announcement is gonna be on February 22. February 22 is supposedly Lou and Harry's 3 year anniversary. Harry's supposed passcode for his phone is 2202. There conract with Modest! Management ends in January. They are then gonna sign with Columbia. Hope it all works out with Larry Stylinson. 
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In her circles
4 people
Have her in circles
5 people
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