U.S. Department of Commerce

Geographic Support System (GSS) Initiative

2013 Community Addressing Conference

Data Content Guidelines

These documents outline the data elements and metadata that the Census Bureau identifies as optimal components in address and feature datasets.

What Is It?

Integrated program in support of the 2020 Census of:

Fact Sheet [DOC] [TXT]   |   Graphic Overview [PDF]

What Are We Doing?

The GSS Initiative will focus on ensuring a complete and updated address list. All activities will contribute to Master Address File/Topologically Integrated Geocoding and Referencing System (MAF/TIGER) database improvement. Examples of key FY 2011 activities include:

Why Are We Doing It?

The GSS Initiative will allow for a targeted, rather than full, address canvassing operation during 2019 in preparation for the 2020 Census. The Census Bureau will collaborate with federal, state, local, and tribal governments and other key stakeholders to establish an acceptable address list for each geographic entity.

What's In It For Me?

Stakeholder and Oversight Recommendations [DOC] [TXT]

2011 Census Address Summit

Questions or Comments?
Email us: geo.gss.initiative@census.gov