By the Numbers

Disqus powers nearly
3 MILLION communities

Averaging 6.5 MINUTES
per visit

1 BILLION unique visitors, 20 MILLION comments, and 80 MILLION votes per month

Our Audience: Geeks Welcome

We like to think of Disqus users as the best sense of the word.
Because everyone can geek out about something. It’s their passion. It's their hidden expertise.
So they consume more content. And when they find it, they share and contribute more than the average person.

Shares comments or opinions
3X more often.

Learn about brands from online
content 2X as much.

Regularly visit almost twice
as many websites monthly.

Spending more time on smaller
sites than a year ago.

Average 100 more total social
media followers.

*Based on a third-party study of a thousand randomized Disqus users

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