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Archived Listings

Securing Your Account and Reporting Account Theft

Reporting Scams and Fraud:

If you see and suspect that an ad on STClassifieds is illegal, defamatory, obscene, and fraudulent or otherwise violates our STClassifieds policies, please email us at customercare@stclassifieds.sg We will take appropriate actions to rectify the issue upon investigation.


Reporting abuse / Harassment / Spoof (fake) / Spam emails

If you have experienced abuse or harassment in connection with either an ad on STClassifieds or an email received from a STClassifieds user, please forward the details and sender's email account provider (eg: Hotmail, Yahoo!) to us.

To protect your STCLASSIFIEDS account from spoof emails, unauthorised takeover of your STCLASSIFIEDS account and identity theft:

Never provide financial account numbers, passwords, or other sensitive information through an unknown email.

Never click on a link found in an unfamiliar email if you are unsure of its origins, especially if the email asks you for personal financial information. A spoof email will usually lead you to a website and attempt to collect your personal information for committing identity theft or other crimes.


Buying & Selling - Top Tips For Staying Safe

Buyer should always receive payment before sending out an item.

Never provide your personal or banking information (e.g. credit card number) to others over the Internet.

If you suspect anyone or any ad of attempted fraud, or spot activities by community members that go against our policies, report the issue to STClassifieds immediately. In the event of fraud or illegal activities, report the incident to your local police.

General tips

Do not respond to emails from people or organisations that you are unfamiliar with.
Do not open downloads or links in emails unless you know the company or sender.
Wait for cheques to be cleared and cash in money orders before sending out your product.


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