
  1. RT : Tech Theater , booth 613: Bill Dally–Efficiency, Programmability for Exascale–Noon MT, 11/19...

  2. The University of Alicante has been selected by as a 2013 CUDA Research Center. See more at:

  3. New Rugged GPGPU from Aitech Brings Exceptional Graphics Processing to Harsh Environments

  4. NVIDIA’s all-day hands-on CUDA workshop is happening today at . Fully booked auditorium.

  5. Checkout all of my student's GPU projects - - these are mostly CUDA, OpenGL and WebGL projects are in progress

  6. RT : Tech Theater , booth 613: Satoshi Matsuoka–Being Very Green w/ Tsubame 2.5–11:30am MT, 11/19...

  7. John Stone presenting VMD at CUDA GPU Symposium at SDSC

  8. One of my students' rasterization pipeline in CUDA with perspective correct texture mapping -

  9. QUDA—QCD on —started as a summer project in 2008 & now is in wide use as the backend for many LQCD codes

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