
Mavericks Server

Finally took the plunge and upgraded to Mavericks, wasn’t sure how it’d go with the Server but I have to hand it to Apple, smoothest upgrade thus far.
After you upgrade the client to Mavericks you get a notice from the saying it needs updating. Download it from the App Store, launch it and it’ll automagically upgrade everything and after that everything was working as before. Nice.

So yeah, the only downside to the whole process is the name. Mavericks. Really?


WordPress vCard themes

WordPress vCard

I’ve been looking at Social Media in the Netherlands a lot lately, looks like we’re finally catching up to the US.
Here’s a nice round up of vCard style themes to transform WordPress into a personal online business card, portfolio, resume or what have you not. I think a personal site is still a good home base as it’ll always stay regardless of the flavor du jour in social network sites.

Ahead of the curve

Where we’ll be going is transmitting this stuff electronically over the phone line… and we’ll go directly from computer to computer. And once we do that, maybe its possible to say, “Well we’ll give you 30 seconds of this program for free, or we’ll give you 5 screenshots, or we’ll let you play with it for a day. And if you want to buy it, just type in your VISA number and you got it. I don’t know how we’re going to do it, but we need a radio station.

Steve Jobs… in 1983. Like a boss.
The whole thing is an interesting read to see just how far ahead the man was thinking.


Miles to go

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

~Robert Frost

Suddenly remembered this bit today and I have no idea when or where I first heard it, must be decades ago.
The mind works in mysterious ways.




Samsung TV Plex app problems? Round 2

After the latest (involuntary I might add, seriously, I wish it were possible to disable these updates) update of the Samsung Plex app I was once again greeted with horrible lag, crashes and all things fun. Setting the buffers to auto improved it slightly, but it was still pretty bad. This time the magic fix turned out to be updating the Plex Server app on my computer, which for some reason made everything better even though it was only a minor release. So if you run into the same problem…


Sony vs. Microsoft

How to do it.
How not to do it.

Round 1: Sony.
Maybe more execs will learn that having fun and believing in what you do makes you more believable (and thus gets you more results) than drowning in marketing research reports and demographic nonsense.


Thomas engrish

Happy train engrish
Amy won this train set at the fair yesterday, gotta love the fake Thomas engrish.

  • Latest serles toys
  • Simulating true style
  • Is the child head chooses toys



InFiné by Jean Michel Jarre

InFiné by JMJ

12 InFiné tracks from various artists, selected and arranged by the man himself and fully streamable here.

Work in progress... home!
Trying to get all/most of the new code working before I start on the eyecandy.