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Single Payer for New York
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
Priests and Celibacy
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
Change Is in the Mail
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
China’s Moon Landing
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
Do College Ratings Help Prospective Students?
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
The Tea Party After the Budget Deal
The Tea Party After the Budget Deal
December 24, 2013, Tuesday
Emily Dickinson’s ‘Scribblings’?
December 23, 2013, Monday
To Prevent Inequality
December 23, 2013, Monday
Secret Watch Lists
December 23, 2013, Monday
Our Teaching Methods, and Theirs
Our Teaching Methods, and Theirs
December 23, 2013, Monday

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From a School: A Letter in Living Color

Birch Lane Elementary School in Davis, Calif., took issue with an article about picture books, and set out on a monthlong campaign to promote and read them. Read their scroll to the editor.

Letters to the Editor

How to submit a letter to the editor.

Our Compact, Updated

Thomas Feyer, the letters editor, writes back to readers.


Letter to the Editor: On the Dismantling of the Iraqi Army
Letter to the Editor: On the Dismantling of the Iraqi Army

Charles Ferguson, a filmmaker, presents a rebuttal to claims made by L. Paul Bremer III in an Op-Ed from Sept. 6, that top American officials approved the decision to disband the Iraqi Army.

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