

Your search for Wines in Editorials returned 49 articles


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Pesticides in French Wine

French growers who shun their use shouldn’t be treated as criminals.

January 3, 2014, Friday
    Some Wine With That?

    Albany should support a bill to legalize supermarket wine because it would provide consumers more choice and the state much-needed revenue.

    February 04, 2010, Thursday
      The Nose, the Bouquet, the Potato

      Among the dozens of vineyards that have replaced most of Long Island’s once vast potato farms, there is a hard-stuff distillery pouring an 80-proof strong vodka.

      September 12, 2009, Saturday
        How Risky Is That Drink?

        Studies have yet to determine whether any potential cancer risks from moderate drinking outweigh the possible health gains from a glass of red wine.

        March 12, 2009, Thursday
          Of Red Wine and Fatty Foods

          Will there come a day when we can eat lots of high-calorie, fatty foods and offset the health damage by taking a natural substance found in red wine?

          November 03, 2006, Friday
            Local Wine Tasting

            A recent Supreme Court ruling gives New York and other states the best opportunity in years to ship their local vintages out of state.

            May 28, 2005, Saturday
              In Vino, Some Split-Decision Veritas

              The Supreme Court's ruling that allows wine to be shipped across state lines is a victory for wineries and lovers of wine.

              May 17, 2005, Tuesday
                Of Memories and Mole

                Not long ago, I was standing in the chill of a Napa Valley winery, wondering about the analogies of oenology.

                March 31, 2005, Thursday
                  Interstate Wine Sales

                  The Supreme Court recently agreed to review ''direct shipment'' laws, which prohibit wine sellers from shipping directly to customers in other states. These laws violate the Constitution by discriminating against interstate commerce. They also hurt consumers by keeping prices artificially high and limiting their choices. The court should rule for the retailers and the consumers challenging these laws. When Prohibition was repealed, the 21st Amendment gave the states broad power to regulate a...

                  June 02, 2004, Wednesday
                    Topics of The Times; A Toast to the Court

                    A federal judge recently took the first step toward ending an outrageously protectionist law that bars New Yorkers from ordering wine direct from out-of-state wineries. The state attorney general should refrain from appealing, and allow state residents to order cabernets from California and pinot noirs from Oregon minus the middlemen. District Court Judge Richard M. Berman rightly found the state's law to be a discriminatory attempt to protect New York wineries, which are the only producers ...

                    November 28, 2002, Thursday

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