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Debate Recap

Debate Recap

Taking a look back at the second presidential debate.

Debate Preview

Debate Preview

The second presidential debate takes place at Hofstra University in New York.

Preparing For Round Two

Preparing For Round Two

President Obama, Mitt Romney get ready for their second debate.

Biden vs. Ryan

Biden vs. Ryan

Sparring and interruptions fill vice presidential debate.

On the Eve of the VP Debate

On the Eve of the VP Debate

The president talks about his performance at last week's debate.

Campaigning in Ohio

Campaigning in Ohio

The candidates take aim at battleground state as polls narrow.

The Debate Bump

The Debate Bump

Debate shakes up race with Mitt Romney leading in at least one poll.

Campaign Crunch Time

Campaign Crunch Time

Obama makes fun of his debate performance; Romney sees big crowds in Florida.

In the Wake of the Debate

In the Wake of the Debate

Romney says he was all wrong, and Obama comes out swinging.

Wednesday's Presidential Debate

Wednesday's Presidential Debate

Mitt Romney appeared to be more energetic than President Obama at the debate.

A Bombshell? Or Old News?

A Bombshell? Or Old News?

An Obama video released by a conservative website has the Internet buzzing.

The Presidential Debate

The Presidential Debate

The candidates continue to prep for Wednesday's debate.