FACTOID # 175: Canadians drink more fruit juice than the citizens of any other nation - more than one litre each, every week.
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(* = Graphable)



Some common questions asked by students

1. I need graphs on the population of countries

The ranking of countries based on population can be found at - http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/peo_pop. You can find other statistics and graphs related to population in the people category.

2. I need data for my state - Texas. Where can I find the graphs?

We are sorry - but we only compare countries here. Statistics for states will be available here soon - but currently, you might have to look elsewhere.

3. Where can I find climate information?

Climate information of countries is found in http://www.nationmaster.com/graph/geo_cli∫=-1. Other related stats like rainfall, humidity etc can be found in the geography category.

4. I need all the information I can find on Mexico. How do I start?

You need to go to the Mexico country page first. You can then select the different categories you are interested in and collect all the information you require. To find out what stats are available in each category, check the description of categories. To find similar information about other countries, start at the country listing and click on the country that interests you.

5. Which is the biggest country in the world? The smallest?

You are looking for the country size graph. Look for other similar graphs in the geography category.

6. I need infant mortality and life expectancy charts

Infant mortality and other related stats will be found in the health category.

7. I'm looking for the population pyramids of China. I want these for multiple years. Where can I get them?

Try the China - Age distribution chart we have. If you need this chart for other countries, click on 'Age Distribution' after reaching the particular country page. Start at the country listing and click on the country that interests you to reach it's country page.

8. Maps! Where do I get the maps of the countries?

You need to start with our Maps listing. The maps of all countries are listed here. Click on the one that interests you to enlarge it. Alternatively, you can start with the world map on the home page and keep clicking on the area you are interested to zoom in to the country level.

9. I have to make a chart of all the flags of South America. Can you help me?

Sure we can. Select 'South America' from the regions listed in the box (just left of this). You'll see all the countries of this region, alongwith the flags present there.

10. I need to use these graphs for my thesis. Do I need to take permission from anyone?

Yep, you do. If you are just using some figures from graphs for your school homework, we do not mind, so long as you cite us properly. But if you are using complete graphs or several of them, you do need to take prior permission. The process is simple - you just need to drop us a mail. We usually allow students to use our data, but we decide on a case-to-case basis.

11. Are you reliable? Is your data authentic? Where do you get this data?

We do not make these graphs off the top of our heads. They are collected from very reliable sources like the CIA Fact book, UN agencies, OECD etc. See the source listing for a complete list of all our sources. The actual source of every stat is shown at the bottom of the graph. If you have any queries on particular graphs, you can usually get more information from the source.

12. I have to compare the number of smokers in the USA over multiple years, but I can just find the graph for one year. What do I do?

We are sorry, but we maintain only the latest information available for these stats. We only maintain historic data for very important graphs like GDP per capita and so on.

13. Why can't I find my country in some of these graphs?

First, check you haven't restricted it to a particular set of countries or regions by seeing if anything is highlighted in the green "make your own graph" form.

Very few studies include all countries in the world, either because the data was not available, or because it simply wasn't of interest to the source body. We do not combine resultsets because they have different methodologies, samples and timesets. Our sources often do though, and they can do so because they are particularly qualified in the relevant area.

The lack of a statistic for a country does not imply that they have none of the thing in question (airports, etc) or even that it has never been measured. You should consider our graphs only as comparisons of the countries that are included in the graph, not of all countries.

14. Why isn't England/New York/Bavaria included in this list?

We only report on countries, not smaller administrative regions.

15. How can this data be valid when it's two years old?

We always like to use the most up-to-date information. Often the statistic you see here is the newest you'll find anywhere. There may be nothing more recent available because:
  • Countries don't conduct national censuses every year. Australia, for example, conducts its census every 5 years.
  • The last study on the topic was conducted several years ago.
  • The data has been collected, but not published yet.
  • The data has been published, but not collated across a number of countries.

We invite you to look around - if you find something more recent, by all means let us know.

The comments section below is meant to function as a forum where you can request and receive help from your fellow students. So, if you need something which is not on this page, ask for help! Someone will point you in the right direction. Just ask!


4th August 2011
For information on educaton in the Netherlands do check out
29th May 2011
How do I cite this website if I'm using your information on Life Satisfaction statistics?
15th May 2011
I need a statistics on the average number of vehicles in each country.May you please help me find a source.

Thank you!
Mark Fleagle
12th April 2011
How much does it cost to market and distribute gasoline?
Val Tiron
4th August 2010
I am currently doing some research and I am trying to find a table which would show how many non-volunteer firefighters are in each country. Do you think you have something which could help me? Or do you know any other site which might contain this information.
1st April 2010
People deserve very good life time and mortgage loans or term loan can make it much better. Just because freedom is grounded on money.
28th March 2010
I need a bibleography so who is the author of this website and what year was it first made, thank you.
14th January 2010
28th October 2009
how do i take more information about stock market?
15th October 2009
buy essay
Sanjay Shukla
7th May 2009
@ Neha Tripathi

Yahh, you can ask your questions here also.
Sarah Crumpler
27th April 2009
Who is the author of

"Transportation Statistics." and when was it published. I need it for my MLA works cited. Thanks
Adil Patras (churches_save_property@hotmail.com)
3rd October 2007
A voice for co-operation
Churches Save Property Welfare Association is an organization which is serving the Pakistani Nation, particularly, the Christianity, in the domain of Defence of churches and churches properties, its main aim is to secure the churches, And churches properties, in Pakistan so that these holy places, be safe and sound from those persons, who want to use these places for other purposes.
This Association has Released one church (united church of Christ) in Qayyumabad Karachi which was occupied by unrelated persons, anther church which belongs to Roman Catholic church, D.H.A Karachi has demolished it, or organization is facing the case with Defence Housing Authority Karachi.
Our organization has organized many programs for the betterment of the people tike free eye Camps and Educational aware ness lectures in different areas of the City.
Churches Property Save Welfare Association likes to share its programs with the National & International Institutes, so that, it could gain its destination, in the field of services of Human being, we believe that all the creation of God, is equal, so, it is our duty, that, we should serve all the people without any distinction.
Dear sir, we do not demand for donation, but request to you that your Institute often provide chances to many organization under your kind control, please, give us also a chance for your, and Human being services our organization will feel good honour and satisfaction with you.
We want to run many programs like Educational Institutes, Computer centers, coaching centers, libraries dispensaries and other Institutes, which concern above mention detail in all over the country.
Honorable sir, please, consider an our request and provide us a chance for the best service of mankind we shall be very thankful to you the act of this kindness, which you are running, already, for the betterment and prosperity for the creation thank you, again.
Kamran khan
General secretary
Mackenzie Bradley
30th November 2005
Please clearly publish your author's name and the like so it is easier to cite sources.
14th November 2005
These are very good statistics and they are very helpful.

In order to see if a country is meeting its MDG, You need to see the statistics for at least the last five years. Also these statistics would help to see if the current governments policies are progressive or not. Statistics related to economic development, reduction in corruption, are esiential for this. It should be possible to compare to similar countries in a region.
1st November 2005
how do you create a ecotourism student link
10th August 2005
I'm trying to find out how many edges this geometrical solid has if it has 40 faces and 50 vertical? plz help!
Edria Murray
Staff Editor

6th June 2005
In response to Michael Schlagnhaufer:

When citing an electronic source you should include at least the following information.

  • Document title or description

  • An address (in Internet terms, a uniform resource locator, or URL). This is the most important piece of information and must be accurate. You can copy the URL from the address box in your browser.

  • Date (either the date of information publication or the date of retrieval.)

  • Author(s) details if possible.

  • Additional information

As Nationmaster graphs are secondary sources (Nationmaster data comes from other sources), you should cite the graphs as follows:

In your text: (United Nations(2002) as cited by Nationmaster.)

In your references list:
Nationmaster, "Urbanization in 2015". Retrieved June 6, 2005,


There are many acceptable ways of citiing electronic sources including MLA, APA, Chicago and CBE. Check with your teacher which style is preferred / required. Details for citing internet sources using each of these styles can be found at Bedford St Martin http://www.bedfordstmartins.com/online/citex.html>citation styles online page.

Before using data from this site, please take note of the permission requirements in point 11 at the top of this page.

5th June 2005
What is the name of the Prime Minister?
30th May 2005
how would South Africa address a crisis that is in Ivory Coast if it was faced with the same today
Suchita Vemuri
Staff Editor

7th April 2005
In response to Keisha - The Loma Prieta earthquake occurred on October 17, 1989 in the greater San Francisco Bay Area in California and measured 7.1 on the Richter scale. One of the most studied earthquakes in history, a 1990 report of the Geophysical Institute of the University of Alaska said that while geophysicists were quite certain that the section along the San Andreas fault would see a major seismic even within the next 30 years, they were surprised when the 1989 earthquake occurred. There was no warning that anything as dramatic as the 7.1 quake was about to happen, and even the hi-tech instruments failed to record any warnings.

The U.S. Geological Survey began forecasting aftershocks following the Loma Prieta earthquake. Earthquake preparedness is at many levels - large-scale, long-term policy for seismic retrofitting, policy for emergency preparedness and household preparedness. For more on the Loma Prieta earthquake read Factbites.

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