Privacy policy is a service provided by Gale, part of Cengage Learning. We respect your privacy, and we are committed to protecting the information you provide when you use

Your information

Your information consists of personally identifiable information collected or received about you when you register with us, or when you log in to as a registered user and interact with products and services. Your information may include (a) registration-related information such as name, address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address; (b) information about your visits to or our other Web sites, pages, and services; (c) your responses to our offerings and advertisements; (d) information about the features or offerings you use from us; (e) customer service information; and (f) other information specifically related to your use of a particular feature or offering.

How information is used

Your information is used to operate and improve the features, offerings, and content presented to you by us; to personalize the content and advertisements provided to you; to fulfill your requests for products, programs, and services; to communicate with you and respond to your inquiries; to conduct research about your use of our products; and to help offer you other products, programs, or services that may be of interest.

In the event our ownership changes as a result of a merger or acquisition by another company, your information may be transferred.

Advertising networks and cookies

Along with our advertisers, we may use advertising network providers to help present advertisements on These advertising networks use cookies, Web beacons, or similar technologies on your computer to help present, target, and measure the effectiveness of advertisements. This makes use of data gathered over time and across their networks of Web pages to determine or predict the characteristics and preferences of audiences. To help advertising networks deliver more relevant advertisements, we may share certain information (i.e., industry and position) about you as a user that is not personally identified with you. The use of cookies, Web beacons, or similar technologies by ad network providers is subject to their own privacy policies. You may get more information about these practices and how they're used by these companies.