System Adequacy Forecasts

Scenario Outlook & Adequacy Forecasts

ENTSO-E’s Scenario Outlook and Adequacy Forecast (SO&AF) analyses the adequacy of the pan-European power system by providing an overview of generation adequacy for all ENTSO-E members, for regions and for individual countries at a mid- and long- term time horizon. This annually published report presents and analyses the bottom-up scenarios A and B (conservative and best estimate, respectively) and a top-down scenario (EU 2020), which is based, to a large extent, on the National Renewable Energy Action Plans (NREAPs).

In addition, the timeframe of the report has been extended to include “2030 Visions”, which are presented in order to examine the challenges and opportunities for TSOs’ development of longer-term scenarios. The 2030 Visions will provide a bridge between the EU 2020 and 2050 energy targets, by giving an outlook on the generation mix and load evolution based on different assumptions.


SO&AF 2013-2030
SO&AF 2012-2030
SO&AF 2011-2025

SAF 2010-2025

SAF 2010-2025: Report
SAF 2010-2025: Scenarios