Energy Identification Codes (EIC) Lists

This section provides links by code type, to all active and international EIC codes, published by the central issuing office (CIO) along with a tool to validate an EIC code (EIC check digit calculator).

For all currently existing EIC codes which are both local and international, please refer to the EIC LIO Websites page.

EDI - Library: Energy Identification Coding Scheme (EIC)

EIC Issuing Offices

List of issuing offices

EIC Party Codes (X)

List of EIC Codes for Parties (X Codes)
Disclaimer concerning the validity of VAT codes used with party codes

EIC Area Codes (Y)

List of EIC codes for areas (Y Codes)

EIC Measurement Point Codes (Z)

List of EIC Codes for Measurement Points (Z codes)

EIC Tieline Codes (T)

List of EIC Codes for Tielines (T Codes)

EIC Resource Object Codes (W)

List of EIC Codes for Resource Objects (W Codes)

EIC Location Codes (V)

List of EIC Codes for Locations (V Codes)

EIC Interrogation Utility

EIC Code Interrogation

Downloadable ZIP Files

EIC Check Digit Calculator
List of Allocated EIC Codes
Allocated EIC Code List File DTD

ENTSO-E Disclaimer on published VAT Codes in the EIC section

Click here to view the ENTSO-E Disclaimer on published VAT codes in the EIC section

ENTSO-E Disclaimer on Published VAT Codes on the EIC Webpage

The objective of this page is to allow persons involved in the energy market to get information on the Energy Identification Code (EIC) necessary to carry out electronic data interchange (EDI).

In no event shall ENTSO-E be liable for any damages of any kind, including, but not limited to, direct, indirect, general, special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of any use of the information obtained using this site.

In particular, VAT codes are only provided for information purposes and it is the responsibility of the party to assess the validity using for example the Taxations and Customs Union web site.

In addition, our goal is to minimise disruption caused by technical errors. However some data or information on this page may have been created or structured in files or formats which are not error-free and we cannot guarantee that our service will not be interrupted or otherwise affected by such problems.