
ENTSO-E Transparency Platform

Transparency has improved markedly over the past few years, partly thanks to ENTSO-E’s existing Transparency Platform, operational since 2007, which publishes many data items of great interest to electricity traders on a daily basis.

New rules in transparency under an EU Regulation on submission and publication of data in electricity markets will make European electricity market information more precise and comparable. It will become mandatory for each TSO to submit fundamental information related to generation, load, transmission and electricity balancing, which ENTSO-E will publish on a central information transparency platform, currently under development.

The Data Portal

The ENTSO-E statistical database encompasses a range of historical data sets regarding power systems of ENTSO-E member TSOs. Following the merging of former TSOs’ associations in 2009, ENTSO-E has become the single data competence centre for European electricity transmission systems.

The Energy Identification Coding (EIC) Scheme

Within ENTSO-E’s Working Group Electronic Data Interchange, a coding scheme has been developed, managed and maintained to facilitate cross-border exchanges and to efficiently and reliably identify different objects and parties relating to the IEM and its operations.

This is known as the Energy Identification Coding (EIC) scheme, approved by ENTSO-E for the harmonisation and implementation of standardised electronic data interchanges.