System Development Committee

A fundamental role of the Transmission System Operators (TSO) is to plan and develop a secure, efficient and economic electricity transmission system. This involves ensuring a consistently high level of power quality, making sure that security standards are met and, where appropriate, researching and deploying novel technologies.

The ENTSO-E Secretariat’s System Development team has a supporting role for two of the four ENTSO-E committees, namely the System Development Committee (SDC) and the Research and Development Committee (RDC), as well as all of the associated working and regional groups (See Figure 1).

The SDC, chaired by João da Silva Ricardo from REN, Portugal, is in charge of TSO co-operation regarding the network development and planning. Its main mission is to co-ordinate the development of a secure, environmentally sustainable and economic transmission system with the aim of creating a robust European grid which can facilitate the creation of a well-functioning European electricity market and, from the planning point of view, a high standard of interoperability, reliability and security.

Key areas of work for the SDC include (for more details please click on the links):