Jason Kidd ices the shooter

Jason Kidd

Jason Kidd had a reputation as one of the savviest on-court players in his playing days. It's one of the reasons the Brooklyn Nets were willing to make him a head coach immediately following his retirement. And while not much has gone right for Kidd so far in his debut coaching season, he appeared to demonstrate some of that trademark savvy late in the Nets' game against the Los Angeles Lakers on Wednesday.

With the Nets trailing and out of timeouts, Kidd appeared to say "hit me" to Tyshawn Taylor, resulting in a spilled drink and enough of a delay while Jodie Meeks was at the free-throw line to draw up a play -- one that found Paul Pierce attempting a wide-open game-tying 3-pointer that just rimmed out.

For his part, Taylor denied that Kidd said "hit me" to set the chain of events in motion.

However, the rest of the basketball world wasn't so convinced.

Hat tip to The Brooklyn Game.

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