British Man Found Guilty for Murder in Thailand

A Thai court has sentenced a British kickboxer to 25 years in jail for the 2010 murder of a former U.S. Marine on a resort island.

The Phuket provincial court on Thursday found Lee Aldhouse guilty of stabbing to death ex-Marine Dashawn Longfellow after being beaten by the American during a brawl at a Phuket bar.

The court reduced Aldhouse's sentence from a life sentence because he pleaded guilty.

Aldhouse was a semi-professional kickboxer who fought under the nickname "Pitbull." He had been living on-and-off in Phuket, where Longfellow was also studying the sport.

Aldhouse was extradited to Thailand last year in the first case of extradition of a criminal suspect from England to Thailand.

He was arrested at London's Heathrow Airport after fleeing Thailand.

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