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Latest Tech Industry How-To

  • How-Tos: How to Overcome Small Business Data Recovery Challenges

    Data recovery has mattered ever since businesses started relying on PCs in the workplace. Today's common storage options for small businesses all present some disaster recovery challenges. Here's what your organization should do to address them.

  • How-Tos: Six great TextEdit tricks

    If you don't write all the time, then you probably don't need a full-featured word processor, such as Microsoft Word () or Apple Pages (). But you still may want a flexible tool for handling text that lets you compose résumés and recipes, letters and flyers. You know what? You already have one: Apple's TextEdit.

  • How-Tos: How to Tell Whether an IT Vendor Sells 'Solutions' or Just Products

    There's a subtle but important difference between IT products and IT solutions. Both have their rightful place, but buying a product when you need a solution--and vice versa--can be costly. Unfortunately, product-pushers aren't always easy to spot.

  • How-Tos: 3 Tips for Handling the 'Between Jobs' Status

    A career coach describes ways to deal with a transition between jobs. Hint: Don't call yourself 'unemployed.'

  • How-Tos: Taking the iPhone abroad? Avoid data roaming charges

    It's time to pack your suitcase and go on vacation, or away on business. Don't forget your iPhone or Android phone - but do read our Top 10 tips for saving money on smartphone data-roaming charges.

  • How-Tos: CIO Insights: How to approach innovation

    CIOs face a multitude of challenges in their daily roles. In the first installment of our new CIO Insights series, we talk to three leading Australian technologists about their approaches to encouraging innovation in their organisations and engaging other c-level executives in the process.

  • How-Tos: How to Announce Your Job Departure on Social Media

    Don't leave your network in the dark when you leave a job. Here are the dos and don'ts for announcing a career change on LinkedIn and other social networking sites.

  • How-Tos: Typography for all: Demystifying text for high-impact messages

    Text is incredibly powerful--whether you're making a business card or a garage-sale sign, you're sending a message. The look of that message influences the way the receiver reacts: If the message is visually pleasing, the reaction is generally positive, but if the text is hard to read, that feeling of difficulty transfers back to you, the messenger. Here we'll cover the basics of everyday typography, font pairings that are pleasing to the eye, practical formatting tips that work with a variety of software, and common mistakes to avoid.

  • How-Tos: Make Mail and Gmail play nice

    As of the Mountain Lion version, Apple's Mail is better than ever at helping you manage your email. And Google's Web-based Gmail is also pretty good--but how do you combine the two in just the right way so as to get the best of both?

  • How-Tos: Control Time Machine from the command line

    Backing up your data is the most important thing you can do with your computer--even more important than tweeting or posting on Facebook. If you don't back up your Mac regularly, you may lose those photos that you want to share; you may find that your latest holiday videos are missing; and your music library may go poof!

  • How-Tos: How to get started with LinkedIn

    We introduce the social network for professionals and explain how to create your profile on LinkedIn, how to connect with people and more.

  • How-Tos: How to watch Samsung Galaxy S4 launch live

    Join us for live coverage of Samsung's highly anticipated Galaxy S4 smartphone launch on 14 March.

  • How-Tos: Create a storefront in 60 seconds with Planet Soho

    If you run a one-man shop and you're looking to sell a product or service, you have a few options. You can build an e-commerce site from scratch, which requires time and expertise, or you can go with a turnkey marketplace like Etsy, which might not be a good fit for your product (unless it's a tea cozy).

  • How-Tos: Emergency backups you didn't know you had

    Your hard drive churns. Every click sets off a spinning beachball. Disk Utility doles out the bad news. When your hard drive's end is near, your best hope is a good backup. Of course it is. But, what if you don't have a backup? Or what if you thought you had a backup and it failed? At this point, someone will say, knowingly: "You should have had redundant backups." Shoulda. Woulda. Coulda. You shoulda, you didn't. So, what now?

  • How-Tos: Set up Windows 8 as a home server

    If you have multiple PCs in your home or small office, you can save time and look professional by storing your documents and media on one PC and using network sharing to access them across all your computers and devices. This prevents you from having to store duplicate copies of files and reduces confusion when trying to find which PC a file is stored on. Additionally, you only really need to worry about backing up one PC (though for safety's sake you should always back up everything on a regular basis.)

  • How-Tos: How to sign digital documents

    Reader Isabel Lorenzo has been asked to sign on the dotted line. She writes:

  • How-Tos: Automatically send new Hassle-Free PC posts to your Pocket account

    Want Hassle-Free PC in your inbox? Of course you do! One option is to subscribe to PC World's Power Tips newsletter, which includes, among other things, this very column.

  • How-Tos: Is it legal to download YouTube videos?

    Is it illegal to download YouTube video for personal use? Many people would answer that question by suggesting it's something of a 'grey' area. Actually it's pretty black and white.

  • How-Tos: How to claim a refund through a credit card company

    What to do if your paid-for online or store order is not completed when a company goes into administration, such as Jessops. Credit card refunds are your best option.

  • How-Tos: How to hire a graphic-design pro on the cheap

    Does your Web site need an overhaul? Do you need a company logo for your startup? How about a sales brochure or even some product packaging?

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