Danny Lloyd

Total Box Office:
Highest Rated:
92% The Shining (1980)
Lowest Rated:
92% The Shining (1980)
Jan 1
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Danny Lloyd starred in only one major theatrical film -- but that sole credit happened to be Stanley Kubrick's much-debated version of The Shining (1980). After one of Kubrick's assistants conducted a several-month search through the Midwest for an unknown to play Danny Torrance, Illinois-born Lloyd…

Community Photos (3)

Highest Rated Movies



Rating Title Credit Box Office Year
Will - G. Gordon Liddy
  • Young Liddy
-- 1982
92% The Shining
  • Danny Torrance
-- 1980

Danny Lloyd Trivia

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Quotes from Danny Lloyd's Characters

    1. Nurse: Who's Tony?
    2. Danny Torrance: He's the little boy that lives in his mouth.
    From The Shining. Submitted by Sam F (3 months ago)
    1. Wendy Torrance: Hey. Wasn't it around here that the Donner Party got snowbound?
    2. Jack Torrance: I think that was farther west in the Sierras.
    3. Wendy Torrance: Oh.
    4. Danny Torrance: What was the Donner Party?
    5. Jack Torrance: They were a party of settlers in covered-wagon times. They got snowbound one winter in the mountains. They had to resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive.
    6. Danny Torrance: You mean they ate each other up?
    7. Jack Torrance: They had to, in order to survive.
    8. Wendy Torrance: Jack...
    9. Danny Torrance: Don't worry, Mom. I know all about cannibalism. I saw it on TV
    10. Jack Torrance: See, it's OK. He saw it on the television.
    From The Shining. Submitted by Sam F (3 months ago)

Danny Lloyd Trailers

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