Jake Gyllenhaal's Best Movies

In this week's Total Recall, we count down the best-reviewed work of the Prisoners star.

Jake Gyllenhaal

In what promises to be the most nail-bitingly intense kidnapping drama since Ron Howard directed Mel Gibson in 1996's Ransom, Jake Gyllenhaal and Hugh Jackman team up in this weekend's Prisoners to find a pair of missing girls who may or may not have been lured into a van by gross Paul Dano. In honor of Gyllenhaal's latest dramatic tour de force, we've decided to devote this week's list to a fond look back at some of the brightest critical highlights from a wonderfully eclectic filmography that looks like it's only begun to tap into his prodigious potential. It's time for Total Recall!


10. Proof

He's built a pretty eclectic filmography for himself, but no matter the project, Gyllenhaal has always had a knack for surrounding himself with talent, and 2005's Proof is a case in point: helmed by Shakespeare in Love director John Madden, this adaptation of David Auburn's Pulitzer-winning play united the formidable onscreen gifts of Anthony Hopkins, Gwyneth Paltrow, Hope Davis, and (of course) Gyllenhaal. The story of a supposedly insane mathematician (Hopkins) whose death throws the life of his daughter (Paltrow) into disarray (and possibly exposes cracks in her own sanity), Proof was one of many low-budget actors' clinics for Miramax, and it earned a Golden Globe nomination for Paltrow. As a student who combs through Hopkins' papers in search of undiscovered theorems, Gyllenhaal's main function may have been to provide a sounding board for Paltrow's character, but he used his screen time to help round out a quiet, layered drama that earned the praise of critics including the BBC's Stella Papamichael, who wrote, "For patient viewers, it does offer a carefully considered and ultimately inspiring examination of how the need for order and logic is less important than a willingness to embrace chaos."


9. Moonlight Mile

Inspired by writer-director Brad Silberling's real-life struggles with the death of a loved one (his girlfriend, actress Rebecca Schaeffer, was murdered by an obsessed fan in 1989), Moonlight Mile took a marquee cast, filmed them against a soundtrack stuffed with classic rock B-sides, and produced one of the handsomer dramas of 2002. Gyllenhaal stars here as the aimless, grief-stricken Joe Nast; set adrift after his fiancee is killed in a robbery, he goes to stay with her parents even though, unbeknown to them, he'd broken off the engagement shortly before her death. In spite of his mixed emotions about the whole situation -- and not a little guilt -- he ends up getting involved in their lives, entering into a planned business partnership with her father (Dustin Hoffman) and giving her mother (Susan Sarandon) a shoulder to cry on. Along the way, he also gets involved with a local bar owner (Ellen Pompeo), creating a situation in which something has to give. Unfortunately, that "something" turned out to be the patience of a surprising number of critics; despite its stellar pedigree and some fine work from its talented stars, quite a few writers felt Moonlight Mile never established enough depth to support its beautifully filmed melodrama. Still, for the slight majority, it was a Mile worth traveling -- including Glen Lovell of the San Jose Mercury News, who called it "One of the most generous and reassuring tragicomedies of this or any year."


8. The Good Girl

Gyllenhaal ventured into romance -- of a sort -- with 2002's The Good Girl, a small-town drama from Chuck & Buck screenwriter Mike White that starred Jennifer Aniston as a morose department store clerk struggling to choose between her unsatisfying marriage and her affair with the unstable, Catcher in the Rye-obsessed co-worker played by Gyllenhaal. Infidelity, dead-end jobs, and small towns are nothing new for the movies -- indie films in particular -- but however familiar its premise, The Good Girl earned praise from critics thanks to the finely wrought honesty of White's script and strong performances from Aniston, Gyllenhaal, and their supporting cast (including John C. Reilly, Tim Blake Nelson, and Zooey Deschanel). Taking the cliche of a frustrated young man buried in Holden Caulfield and imbuing it with genuine depth, Gyllenhaal was a major part of why the Hollywood Reporter's Duane Byrge called it "An absorbing, slice-of-depression life that touches nerves and rings true."


7. Donnie Darko

Time travel, a falling jet engine, and a dude in a bunny suit: From these disparate ingredients, writer-director Richard Kelly wove the tale of Donnie Darko, a suburban teenager (played by Jake Gyllenhaal) charged with repairing a rift in the fabric of our dimension. Or something. To call Darko "open to interpretation" would be understating the case a bit -- it's been alternately confounding and delighting audiences since it was released in 2001 -- but its dense, ambiguous plot found stronger purchase with critics, who cared less about what it all meant than about simply having the chance to see an American movie that took some substantial risks. Though a few reviewers were confused and/or unimpressed (Staci Lynne Wilson of Fantastica Daily called it "derivative," and Joe Leydon dismissed it as "a discombobulating muddle" in his writeup for the San Francisco Examiner), overall critical opinion proved a harbinger of the cult status the film would eventually enjoy on the home video market; as Thomas Delapa wrote for the Boulder Weekly, "If the sum total of Donnie Darko is hard to figure, there's no questioning that its separate scenes add up to breathtaking filmmaking." Despite a paltry $4.1 million gross during its original limited run, Darko returned to theaters in 2004 with a director's cut -- one whose 91 percent Tomatometer actually improved upon the original's.


6. End of Watch

Most critics -- and more than a few filmgoers -- would agree that the found-footage gimmick has been more than played out since rising to prominence with The Blair Witch Project in the late 1990s. Still, it's a powerful tool when used in the right way, as demonstrated by writer/director David Ayer's End of Watch, which follows a cop/film student (Gyllenhaal) and his partner (Michael Pena) on patrol in the mean streets of South Central Los Angeles. While Ayer's use of the found footage technique certainly proved divisive among critics, End of Watch earned a healthy $51 million at the box office, picked up a pair of Independent Spirit Award nominations, and enjoyed the respect of scribes such as Amy Biancolli of the San Francisco Chronicle, who wrote, "The best scenes are filmed inside the cruiser, dashboard shots that face inward instead of out, catching Gyllenhaal and Peña in moments so playful and true they make all other buddy cops look bogus by comparison."


David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

Donnie Darko ftw.

Sep 18 - 04:44 PM

This comment has been removed.

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

Your trolling sucks man. You didn't even say a racial slur, amateur.

Sep 18 - 05:19 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

My trolling. Oh I see, someone dislikes a film you love, so they're considered a troll. Great logic. God, should come down from the heaven and give you a cookie for your outstanding logic.

Sep 18 - 05:22 PM

Dave J

Dave J

Trolling is a personal attack against another user- it's not when there's an attack against the subject matter which has to be relevant to the movie article! So if someone didn't like a particular film than that is the user's personal opinion! So if an user calls a movie 'sucked' then the proper way to respond is to say that 'I disagree' or 'it doesn't'!

I mean, I remembered expressing to another user why I didn't like a particular movie from a Joseph Gordon Levitt article and my comment was still deleted by RT... so go figure!

Sep 19 - 05:41 PM

Brad Laws

Brad Laws

Judging by your icon, you like American Psycho. That film sucks and Christian Bale is a torture to watch.

Sep 18 - 05:24 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

It still makes a hell of a lot more sense than Donnie Darko.

Sep 18 - 05:28 PM

Samuel Sprout

Samuel Sprout

Ok I hate it when people troll like Jerry, but just saying that American Psycho sucks and not backing it up with any reasoning is just as bad.

Sep 19 - 11:57 AM

Marc Arsenault

Marc Arsenault

American Psycho is a great movie, maybe you didnt get it. I also like Donnie Darko, so i was gonna let this conversation slide, but you insult American Psycho and specifically Bales acting in it!!!!! well, you realy didnt get it bud.

Sep 19 - 12:19 PM

Christian Lilleberg

Christian Lilleberg

American Psycho and Donnie Darko are great flicks.

Sep 21 - 03:47 AM

Gabriel Zisk

Gabriel Zisk

End of Watch ftw.

Sep 20 - 11:14 AM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

His number 1 movie is his only good one that I've seen (I haven't seen Zodiac, so there is a chance), but I typically hate his acting. Not interested in his new film. He's just a boring actor.

Sep 18 - 04:52 PM

Marc Arsenault

Marc Arsenault

End of Watch is rely good!

Sep 19 - 12:20 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Never saw it. Guess I got a lot to see.

Sep 19 - 01:40 PM

Mathew Jung

Mathew Jung

Check out "End of Watch", was a nice surprise last year...I thought it was awesome, personally.

Sep 19 - 01:00 PM

The Driver

Daniel Higgs

Love Brokeback Mountain and Zodiac!

Sep 18 - 04:56 PM

This comment has been removed.

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

You're pretentious enough to act like you know what you're talking about.

Sep 18 - 05:09 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Oh, so their films aren't pretentious? My fucking god, all Only God Forgive was just Gosling sitting down staring, and sticking his hands in his mother's stomach.
Paul Thomas Anderson? The Master? A film that literally was made to confuse you. I don't get more pretentious than that.

Sep 18 - 05:17 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

What does he know. He actually likes American Psycho lol.

Sep 18 - 05:22 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

LOL, and you liked Donnie Darko. That film was literally made to confuse you. I bet you never even heard of a tangent universe or the "deep" themes the film portrayed. You probably have never watched American Psycho and base your opinion on a silly score.

Sep 18 - 05:26 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

Wow now you're a troll and a pseudo intellectual. You embody all of the internet cliques. Go to bed, don't you have school tomorrow kid?

Sep 18 - 05:38 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

I like American Psycho, but that doesn't excuse you from acting like God's Little Princess when it comes to judging films. Donnie Darko is the same allegory as Last Temptation of Christ (referenced in the movie). If you're familiar with that latter film, then you'd be aware that Darko accomplishes the same time travel trick.

Sep 18 - 05:41 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

I'm sorry I mean clichés. I am a bit tired.

Sep 18 - 05:41 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

You seem to be easily confused by a lot of great films. Maybe it's you?

Sep 18 - 05:42 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Man, you seriously don't like when other people don't like the same things you like. This is a pointless argument. Almost as pointless as watching Donnie Darko when all you have to do is read the book it comes with.

Sep 18 - 05:43 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

@Janson, I have yet to watch The Last Temptation, so I'm not sure whether that was a compliment to Donnie Darko or an insult.

Sep 18 - 05:45 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

This was an argument? Coulda fooled me. It sounded like you were shoving your opinion down everyone's throats.

Sep 18 - 05:48 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Argument- an exchange of diverging or opposite views, typically a heated or angry one.

I mean Hurlburt was butthurt, so I'm sure it counts as angry.

Sep 18 - 05:51 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

No we don't like it when a pretentious little kid such as yourself pollutes the internet with your douchebagary. "Oh look at me I bash movies others like that makes me cool, my opinion holds more weight than everyone else's." Go to bed kid.

Sep 18 - 05:52 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

You consistently call me a kid. Didn't know you can tell how old someone is based on a profile pic.

Sep 18 - 05:55 PM

Ellie J.

Goodwuin Fellas


Sep 18 - 05:58 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

I can tell you're a kid because you act like a kid. Everyone can see that. You're not fooling anyone.

Sep 18 - 06:00 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Nice logic. Now, if ya don't mind, I gotta go change my diapers. It's totally a kid's thing, now. Of course old people like yourself, will never understand the concept.

Sep 18 - 06:05 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

To be fair KKK I never once argued with the kid about D.D being a good film or not. All I said was that I liked it and he acted like a little douche bubble. So I decided to mess with him. Though I do admit I shouldn't have gotten down to his level.

Sep 18 - 06:07 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Douche bubble? That's a new one. Plus, to be honest, I was just looking for someone to piss off. I hate Donnie D., but not as much as I made it out to sound.

Sep 18 - 06:10 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

"Argument- an exchange of diverging or opposite views"

Saying a film "sucked" or a director is "pretentious" are NOT views or methods of exchange. You're just being a dick with nothing to offer other than sheer dogma. I have a question that you probably can't answer: why are you right?

Sep 18 - 06:10 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

Wow lol. You're going to be tired tomorrow, go to bed.

Sep 18 - 06:10 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

@Janson I'm right cause I'm right. Simplest question ever. Everyone's opinion doesn't matter but my own.

Sep 18 - 06:12 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

You like it? You can use it if you want. But like I said earlier work on your trolling. You can do better.

Sep 18 - 06:13 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

But, I made you stoop down to my level calling me a kid. I won, without you even knowing.

Sep 18 - 06:16 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

@ Jerry, everyone knows you're stupid. You start arguments but you don't have the brains to back them up. You're wrong simply because you're weak and foolish, drooling on yourself with inane attitude. Only trolls constantly change their names and accounts to get attention, because, lord knows, you can't manage much attention in real life. Your "opinion" has no value if you can't explain it.

Sep 18 - 06:22 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

You were annoying but you could have so much more. A true troll can find a way to tie in blacks and jews into every argument. You were good but missed a lot of opportunities.

Sep 18 - 06:24 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen


Sep 18 - 06:26 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

@David I don't bring race into anything I troll. Last time I did, I got banned.

Sep 18 - 06:27 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

This is the only thing you have in your whole life though. True trolls take risks. Amateur.

Sep 18 - 06:30 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

I have way more.

Sep 18 - 06:33 PM

David Hurlburt

David Hurlburt

Sure you do.

Sep 18 - 06:35 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Trolling is a pathetic addiction, Jerry. Seek help. Seek human contact. Or have a heart attack. Either way...

Sep 18 - 06:43 PM

Sebastian O.

Sebastian Ochoa

Does anyone else see how pointless this argument is? No, I haven't seen either of the films you're talking about, but after reading this whole thread, I've decided never to watch them. You guys kind of ruined them for me.

Of the films on this list that I have seen, though, End of Watch is probably my favourite, though I can understand if it isn't everyone's cup of tea.

Sep 18 - 07:01 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Sebastian, you just don't know. Jerry here changes his name and trolls to start arguments. Because he always has a different name (he only recently changed it back), he sometimes sucks people in. You should never base your choices off of arguments he's been a part of. They're all pointless. That's his point of existence.

Sep 18 - 07:06 PM

Hugo Emanuel Melo

Hugo Emanuel Melo

Janson, the problem is that, altough your arguments are very valid, in the end he did suck you in. From what I could understand during my very esporadic visits to rottentomatoes you have a long history with the guy but if you let him push your buttons he will have won. Trolls should be ignored, by doing so you remove the very purpose of their pathetic existence and he will be reminded that he his just an attention craving sad man (or boy, judging by his arguments) typing in the dark, seeking someone to talk to him.

Sep 19 - 03:42 AM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Hey, Hugo, gimme a break. He only "revealed" himself halfway through this exchange. I don't have time to keep up with all of his aliases. Let's just take a minute to think how sad and sociopathic that is to have nothing better to do with one's life.

Sep 19 - 10:28 AM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Yeah, cause everyone who trolls is a sociopath. Meanwhile, you found it so necessary to find my IP Address.

Sep 19 - 12:01 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Yes, Jerry. Everyone who trolls is a sociopath. It's sociopathic behavior.

Sep 19 - 01:14 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Okay, but that doesn't excuse the fact that you basically know where I live.

Sep 19 - 01:42 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Don't forget it.

Sep 19 - 03:22 PM

Dave J

Dave J

He wanted to know where you live so that he could have beers with you! The whole trip is probably going to cost about 300 dollars!

Yeah, and it's Jerry's fault for not telling people who he really is, and that there should be an advanced warning to all users!

Sep 19 - 04:29 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

I'll have a beer ONLY if it isn't any of that Budweiser or Bud Light garbage. I'll settle for Guinness.

Sep 19 - 05:25 PM

Hugo Emanuel Melo

Hugo Emanuel Melo

Janson, I hadn't realized that the alias he was using was a new one and that you had no idea who you were really talking to. My bad. In that case, well done because you destroyed him.

Sep 20 - 03:06 AM

Zane B

Chum Chum

If Jerry is a troll he succeeded quite well. If he isn't...his taste in movies is crap

Sep 19 - 07:08 AM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Only a fellow troll can find any measure of success in this mess at all.

Sep 19 - 10:24 AM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

I admit I troll. But what I said here is the truth about my opinions.

Sep 19 - 12:02 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

"Hey, sure I'm a liar, but trust me."

Sep 19 - 01:16 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen


Sep 19 - 01:42 PM

Zane B

Chum Chum

^^^^(shaking with ecstasy from my elicited attention)

Sep 19 - 06:35 PM

Caleb P.

Caleb Paasche

Source Code is awesome. Prisoners isn't coming to my local theatre this weekend, but hopefully I'll catch it at some point.

Sep 18 - 04:57 PM


Typhon Q

Donnie Darko and Source Code are the best on here

Sep 18 - 05:05 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Source Code is hardly a great film, it just happened to be a not-embarrassing film - somewhat respectable given how stupid the logic of it is (better than Looper though). Donnie Darko and Zodiac are the best here, precisely because they are challenging, adult films. The best films will always make a certain number of people uneasy. Brothers and Jarhead are two other difficult, and not-quite-successful films that are admirable but not excellent. Love and Other Drugs is easily his worst film, which is saying something because he has Prince of Persia and Day After Tomorrow on his resume.

Looking more forward to Enemy than Prisoners, but I hope both are good.

Sep 18 - 05:08 PM

Iron Person

Movie Person

Oh, you're one of those people. Source Code was great, ya elitist.

Sep 19 - 12:01 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Wasn't bad. I was pleasantly surprised.

Sep 19 - 01:15 PM

Cornelia Bendel

Cornelia Bendel

End of Watch was amazing, absolutely gripping. Donnie Darko is also a favorite.

Sep 18 - 05:16 PM

Verbal Kint

Verbal Kint

Zodiac is the best of what I've seen

Sep 18 - 05:27 PM

Derek Richmond

Derek Richmond

Zodiac #1 by far!

Sep 18 - 05:29 PM

Infernal D.

Infernal Dude 2.0

Zodiac is a great movie. Easily his best. But where's Bubble Boy!?

Sep 18 - 05:58 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen

Must see Zodiac.

Sep 18 - 06:13 PM

Tom Millington

Tom Millington

I originally found Zodiac disappointing, but that was really because it was billed in trailers as this serial killer, suspense movie, but was really more about how the obsession with this killer affected these men's lives. I think if I watched it again knowing that, I'd enjoy it more.

Sep 20 - 01:31 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

Look at Jerry running to Mama Dude. Shelter the poor child from the storm.

Sep 18 - 06:24 PM

Case Keenum

Casey Keen


Sep 18 - 06:56 PM

Janson Jinnistan

Janson Jinnistan

(sucks thumb)

Sep 18 - 07:07 PM

Dave J

Dave J

So much hostility! And it's all your fault Jerry for not telling users that it's you all along! How dare you!

Sep 19 - 05:15 PM

Infernal D.

Infernal Dude 2.0

C'mon fellas. Lets not take it out on Zodiac or Gyllenhaal. I know we've had our differences but in the end we're talkin' movies so no harm done. But seriously, fuck you guys. ;)

Sep 18 - 09:22 PM

Thomas Levesque

Thomas Levesque

my 10 favorite Jake Gyllenhaal movies are
1-Donnie Darko
2-Brokeback Mountain
3-End Of Watch
4-Bubble Boy
6-Love & Other Drugs
8-The Day After Tomorrow
9-City Slickers
10-Source Code

Sep 18 - 07:12 PM

Brendan Sullivan

Brendan Sullivan

end of watch has to be the most underrated movie of 2012 as of gross money is concerned

Sep 18 - 07:31 PM

Kurt Benjamin

Kurt Benjamin

End of Watch is amazing. Donnie Darko is a good movie. Dying to see Zoadic.

Sep 18 - 08:26 PM


Val Mordas

Prince of Persia is on the RT Users top ten... if he were in just 11 movies, none of the top 10 should be Prince of Persia.

Sep 18 - 09:10 PM

Dave J

Dave J

"Prince of Persia" was very borderline for it's those frequent chase scenes that made it much harder to watch! But because I was able to watch it at home I was able to use the fast forward button while playing and still be able to enjoy it for what it was- barely!

Sep 19 - 01:09 PM

Nick Wright

Nick Wright

Number 1 should've been Donnie Darko. That movie is fuckiing unimpeachable. Stupid Rotten Tomatoes.

Sep 18 - 09:22 PM

Nick Wright

Nick Wright

Number 1 should've been Donnie Darko. That movie is fuckiing unimpeachable. Stupid Rotten Tomatoes.

Sep 18 - 09:24 PM

Paulo Barreto

Paulo Barreto

My TOP 5:
1.Donnie Darko: The Director's Cut
2.Brokeback Mountain
3.Source Code
4.End Of Watch
5.The Good Girl

Sep 18 - 10:02 PM

Brett Rackie

Brett Rackie

I get Darko's cult following, but October Sky and Zodiac are better films hands down

Sep 19 - 02:18 AM

Hugo Emanuel Melo

Hugo Emanuel Melo

I haven't seen most of the movies listed here. Seen only about four of them. "Brokeback Mountain" is an important film considering it is a mainstream production who had the balls (pun not intended) to cover what was at the time a complicated and delicate issue; however I must say I don't think it is such a great movie. It's good at best, certainly not amazing. I applaud it's courage, tough. "Source Code" is ok as well, it makes little to no sense in the logic department but it is a nice action scifi movie. Zodiac and Donnie Darko are superb. Zodiac is an amazing and intelligent thriller who is not so much about the killer but about the characters who investigate it, a completly different beast than Seven and all the better for it. Donnie Darko is an amazing movie who's only problem is the fact that Richard Kelly could never deliver a proper movie after it.

Sep 19 - 04:36 AM

Branden M.

Branden Mata

Love End of Watch and Source Code. Both Gyllenhaal and Pene should have been recognized and were robbed of nominations I feel. Still gotta see Donnie Darko and Zodiac; def Zodiac cause I love David Fincher but I jist never got around to seeing it.

Sep 19 - 06:51 AM

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