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Box Office Guru Wrapup: Oblivion Easily Takes Top Spot in Debut
Alan Tonn

Alan Tonn just commented

So the other day I talked to a coworker who had seen this movie. Before he could say anything I postulated the premise and plot of the movie. after I finished I asked him how close I was. "I would say...

RT on DVD & Blu-Ray: The Impossible and Gangster Squad
Corné B.

Corné B. just commented

I disagree with u,it was an spectacular film for me,only watch the high rank films,I guess it depend on people taste for films and u don't like such films,so if you watch another history film ,you wil...

Box Office Guru Wrapup: Pain & Gain Tops Wimpy Weekend
King Crunk

King Crunk just commented

I hope so, Dave, I would love to see Avery's life before the big events of the movie (trying to avoid spoilers here), as well as had more of Luke's journey chronicled.

Digital Multiplex: Silver Linings Playbook and ParaNorman
El-zaiyan Shinkafi

El-zaiyan Shinkafi just commented

gud day to life on french countries

Critics Consensus: Pain & Gain is Visceral But Uneven
Facebook User

Facebook User just commented

If you think Valerie`s story is really great..., 5 weaks-ago my friends sister actually earned $8566 workin eleven hours a week from there apartment and the're classmate's mother`s neighbour was doi...


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Seth S.

Seth S. just rated ParaNorman (2012)



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Patrick Bateman

Patrick Bateman's review of World War Z (2013)

While not particularly original, World War Z is a fun action-thriller that deliveres plenty of hand-clutching scenes and fantastic acting, plus it act... More


Latest Reviews

EntertainMeOrDie just reviewed Source Code (2011)

I find it overrated and generic, but for what it is, eh, it's good I guess.

Tommy South

Tommy South just reviewed Kick-Ass 2 (2013)

So first off, I will say that I really admired the first Kick-Ass movie. It was a very clever satire with excellent action scenes and it had a certain... More


EntertainMeOrDie just reviewed Source Code (2011)

I find it overrated and generic, but for what it is, eh, it's good I guess.

John Tyler

John Tyler just reviewed The Room (2003)

Here it is, the king of so-bad-it's-good: the one, the only, Tommy Wiseau's legendary cinematic accomplishment & failure: The Room. This movie is with... More

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The Gangsta
The Gangsta
Bloody Fig Newtons Script

Bloody Fig Newton By Jerry Benedict/Jay Cutler   FADE IN: EXT. EDGE: NIGHT Dan Markowitz, 23, is driving his police cruiser.  His...

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Diego Tutweiller
Diego Tutweiller
BREAKING BAD TASTE: Episode One: Broken Bad

(Exterior of house in suburban town. The words "Enid, Oklahoma" appear on the screen.) (Cut to interior of the house. A man and a woman are arguing.) JOHN TYLER: ...

28 days ago - 15 Comments

Bram S.
Bram S.
My Favorite Movies!

I don't have a favorite movie, there's no one movie that I think "Yes, this is my favorite movie", but I do have quite a couple of favorites. So, I have collected as wide a ran...

25 days ago - 5 Comments

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