Q: Which of Apple's new products interests you most?

  • 31%
    iPad Air

  • 14%
    MacBook Pro with Retina Display

  • 31%
    iPad mini 2 with Retina Display

  • 9%
    Mac Pro

  • 16%
    Don't know

(Based on 2533 Votes)

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Which of Apple's new products interests you most?

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Which of Apple's new products interests you most?

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Poll: Which of Apple's new products interests you most?

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Forum Editor

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"I detest their marketing techniiques resulting in overnight queues of sheep around the block, and wouldn't touch any of their products with a barge pole"

In so doing you are denying yourself the pleasure of using some of the best computing products available. I have never and will never understand such a bigoted attitude.

There's a reason that the 'sheep'as you call them queue around the block - they want to get their hands on superb devices as soon as possible. No doubt some of them are simply there because they want to be among the first to own whatever it is, but Apple hasn't surpassed Coca Cola as the world's top brand in terms of value because of that. Apple was worth a little over $98 billion when someone last counted, and it got there by making great products.

You'll never know how great they are, because you 'detest their marketing techniques', whatever that means. It seems to me that their marketing strategy is sophisticated and effective.

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I've bought 2 iPad2's ready for the big day and never used one before. I believe the purchasing a couple of gift cards, iTunes or Apple apps, will allow me not to input my Bank details on the children's iPads?

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"wouldn't touch any of their products with a barge pole" and miss out on some very good products albeit some are a bit pricey.

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Quickbeam well said, I was waiting for someone to tell him to wash his mouth out...

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March Hare

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I detest their marketing techniiques resulting in overnight queues of sheep around the block, and wouldn't touch any of their products with a barge pole

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Apple new products? Aren't they a repeat with 'slightly' new cosmetics?

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You're sailing a bit close to the north wind there FE, I think you should tack away from the clashing rocks of the unmentionable...

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Forum Editor

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The iPad mini 2 is a little beauty, and if anyone in the North Pole is reading this I would very much like one.

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Mr Mistoffelees

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Am I the only one who thinks the new Mac Pro looks like a big, black toilet roll?

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wee eddie

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I could never justify either the cost,or the specification of the new Pro, but what a beauty

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Unfortunately no option to say None interest me - Apple products are way too pricey for me.

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