Senate committee passes NSA 'improvement' bill that wouldn't end mass data collection


The Senate Intelligence Committee has passed a bill from Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that will ostensibly reform the NSA's surveillance. But the bill, which passed 11-4, is largely aimed at preempting more substantial legislation while making minor changes to the agency's mass collection of American...

Senator Dianne Feinstein tries to head off meaningful reform with her own bill

Federal court blocks ruling that would have ended stop-and-frisk


A federal court has blocked an August ruling that named the NYPD's stop-and-frisk practices as unconstitutional, and removed the presiding judge from the case amid accusations of biased conduct. The case had sent shockwaves through local law enforcement, challenging the long-standing law enforcement tactic responsible for half-a-million stops each year and offering a path that would have...


Police 'GPS cannons' can shoot trackers at fleeing cars, but are they legal?


On October 4th in Washington DC, a woman tried to ram a White House security barrier with her car and then fled, initiating a high-speed pursuit that ended with police opening fire and killing the suspect near the US Capitol. The hill went on lockdown and, as one can expect from such circumstances, "mass panic" ensued.

Via ABC Action News in Tampa, Autoblog reported this morning about police technology that might’ve diminished the chaos in DC earlier this month — and could potentially cut down on similar chaotic incidences that revolve around high-speed police chases.

"I’m appreciative of the warrant question." Mandy McCall

Edward Snowden gets a tech support job at 'major' Russian website

On the run from the US government at a secret location somewhere in Russia, Edward Snowden has decided to do something productive with his time. His lawyer, Anatoly Kucherena, has informed a Russian news agency that Snowden has secured employment with a "major" Russian website and will start work...

edward snowden (wikileaks)

Sen. Franken calls transparency hearing with Google and 'top administration officials'

Senator Al Franken

On the heels of today's NSA revelations, Senators Al Franken (D-MN) and Dean Heller (R-NV) have announced a new hearing for their transparency bill, slated for November 18th. The hearing will bring together top administration officials, privacy experts and, most importantly, a representative from Google, which is said to be reeling from news that surveillance agencies collected unencrypted data from its internal network.

NSA secretly taps into Google, Yahoo networks to collect information, say leaked documents


The NSA intercepts millions of pieces of Google and Yahoo user information each day by tapping into the links between servers, The Washington Post reports. According to documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the agency secretly exploits the data links in Google and Yahoo's global networks through a project called MUSCULAR, allegedly operated jointly with the GCHQ (which was accused earlier this year of snagging data from fiber optic cables). A...

Google donates 17,000 Nexus 7 tablets to Hurricane Sandy victims in New York


Google has donated 17,000 Nexus 7 tablets to assist New York communities still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. The tablets, which have a retail value of over $2.7 million, will be used in libraries, senior centers, and small businesses. "For many of our state’s residents who are still building back, the generosity of companies like Google can make a huge difference," Governor Andrew Cuomo says in a statement. In areas where libraries...

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