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Opera or else

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Imaginary Friends

Real friends have the advantage of being real. However, they can fail you for whatever reason, real or imaginary for them, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Imaginary friends have the disadvantage of being imaginary. However, they only fail when you fail. There's something you can do about it: Don't fail.

Considering this, which ones have more real advantage? Evidently, either reality is imaginary or imagination is reality.

Reality and Appearance

By Swami Shivapremananda


Principles and censorship

The last few posts in this blog show the way I have defended the feature set of old Opera. Naturally, this has involved criticising the transition of the rendering engine by Opera ASA and enquiring of the employees of the company (and of the members who agree with the transition) the basis for their position. This has been perceived as attack on other members and on the employees.


The definition of a browser


This is a comparison of my web practices compared to Opera Blink's current feature set. Opera 15+ is made for people who have no need for bookmarks, home page, full url in the address bar, not to mention the innumerable more advanced and innovative features of previous versions, which have been irreversibly lost.


On Opera Blink's chances to increase the market share compared to other browsers


All along, most people use whatever spells "Internet" on their computer. If that works, they won't download another thing to do the same thing. This logic is perfectly coherent and confirmed by the stats: IE has as much market share as Windows, Safari as much as Mac, and Chrome as much as there are Youtubers, Googlers + dumbusers who don't pay enough attention to tick off a checkmark when Java wants to update itself. By what means can Opera Blink get a foothold in this situation?


Opera's partnership with Google


Questioning the strategies of Opera


Everyday peace, everyday terror

In my work, every specific task goes together with a deadline. Either I meet the deadline with peace, when I get the task done, or with terror, when I don't get it done. The thing is to get it done so I can meet the deadline in peace. This peace is the repose or vacation bit before the next task begins. In this world, everything comes in small bits, and the thing is to be happy with what one has got. There's some peace in terror, and some terror in peace, because they always follow one another.